United States or Gambia ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Cecilia turned and saw a woman of middle height, with her hair done in the early Italian fashion, and very small, dark, lively eyes, which looked as though her love of living would keep her busy each minute of her day and all the minutes that she could occupy of everybody else's days. "Mrs. Tallents Smallpeace? Oh! how do you do?

"Your sister-in-law has just been to see me, Mr. Dallison. She's such a dear-so interested in everything. I tried to get her to come on to my meeting with me." Raising his hat, Hilary frowned. For once his delicacy was at fault. He said: "Ah, yes! Excuse me!" and got out. Mrs. Tallents Smallpeace looked after him, and then glanced round the omnibus.

He sat down beside her, and turned the conversation on her chief work "the Maids in Peril." Searching his face with those eyes so like little black bees sipping honey from all the flowers that grew, Mrs. Tallents Smallpeace said: "Why don't you get your wife to take an interest in our work?"

Tallents Smallpeace requests," or on bits of pasteboard headed by the names of theatres, galleries, or concert-halls; or, again, on paper of not quite so good a quality, commencing, "Dear Friend," and ending with a single well-known name like "Wessex," so that no suspicion should attach to the appeal contained between the two.

Drewyer & Killed the bear, which was verry large and a turrible looking animal, which we found verry hard to kill we Shot ten Balls into him before we killed him, & 5 of those Balls through his lights This animal is the largest of the Carnivorous kind I ever Saw we had nothing that could way him, I think his weight may be Stated at 500 pounds, he measured 8 feet 71/2 In. from his nose to the extremity of the Toe, 5 feet 101/2 in. arround the breast, 1 feet 11 Ins. around the middle of the arm, 3 feet 11 Ins. arround the neck his tallents was 4 Inches &3/8 long, he was good order, and appeared verry different from the Common black bear in as much as his tallents were blunt, his tail Short, his liver & lights much larger, his maw ten times as large and Contained meat or flesh & fish only- we had him Skined and divided, the oile tried up & put in Kegs for use. we Camped on the Stard Side, our men killed three Elk and a Buffalow to day, and our Dog Cought an antilope a fair race, this animal appeared verry pore & with young.

I've been meaning to come and see you for quite a long time, but I know you're always so busy." With doubting eyes, half friendly and half defensive, as though chaffing to prevent herself from being chaffed, Cecilia looked at Mrs. Tallents Smallpeace, whom she had met several times at Bianca's house.

"She seemed to me," she answered, "such a very likely type." "Ah!" murmured Stephen, "there would be, I suppose, a danger " And he looked angrily at Cecilia. Without ceasing to converse with Mr. Purcey and Signor Egregio Pozzi, she moved her left eye upwards. Mrs. Tallents Smallpeace understood this to mean: 'Be frank, and guarded! Stephen, however, interpreted it otherwise.

And who knowes what The soldier that hath no lawe but that Of cruelty and rapine, when like a Bird Of prey his Tallents are possessd of one So weake as I am Hen.

Of course, something must be done." "Yes," said Mrs. Tallents Smallpeace absently, "I think we all feel that. Oh, do tell me! I've been talking to such a delightful person just the type you see when you go into the City thousands of them, all in such good black coats. It's so unusual to really meet one nowadays; and they're so refreshing, they have such nice simple views.

Tallents Smallpeace, prone to laughter, bubbled. "Oh, that is such a delicious expression, Mr. Purcey! I almost think we ought to use it in our Report. Thank you!" Mr. Purcey bowed. "Not at all!" he said. Mrs. Tallents Smallpeace turned again to Stephen. "We have our trained inquirers. That is the advantage of Societies such as ours; so that we don't personally have the unpleasantness.