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Updated: August 6, 2024
"Woman," he said, with grand dignity, "you forgit yus-sef; shu know ware I've ben 'swell's I do. Ben to town, wife, an' see yer wat I've brought the fines' hat, ole woman, I could git. Look't the color. Like goes 'ith like; it's red an' you're red, an' it's a dead match. What yer mean? Hey! hole on! ole woman! you! Hannah! you." She literally shook him into silence.
I had never seen you afore, and ve vas a going to crack a swell's crib. And Harry spoke up for you, and said as 'ow though you had just gone on the town, you was already prime up to gammon. You 'members, eh?" "Ay, I remember all," said Ned; "it was the first and only house I ever had a hand in breaking into.
Apparently General Lee, too, had drunk the poison of triumph, and dreamed of occupying the national capital, Baltimore, and Philadelphia, and dictating the terms of peace to a disheartened North. The fascinating scheme the irretrievable and fatal blunder was determined upon. To carry out this plan Swell's corps was covertly moved early in June into the Shenandoah Valley.
'I suppose it's all right, I said, 'but I'd rather see a solid breakwater somewhere; it's a dirty-looking night, and I don't like this swell. 'The swell's nothing, said Davies; 'it's only a stray drain from outside. As for breakwaters, you've got them all round you, only they're hidden.
Cabby called twice before he received an answer; then "Fenton's Hotel" came faintly to him from his ghostly looking fare. The little aperture at the top was slammed down and the hansom rattled off. "Blessed if I don't think the young swell's drunk, or 'aving a fit," thought the Cad, as he speeded his horse down Tottenham Court Road.
Later still came the bookmakers with their brisk, business-like method of entering the bets, big or small; the "swell's" thousand or the countryman's shilling were all one to them.
They know how much you would have liked young "Croesus" for your daughter, and the little tricks you played to bring that marriage about. They know why you are no longer asked to dine at Mrs. Swell's, which is more than you know yourself. Mrs.
"It ain't often," replied the man, puffing away contentedly, "that I get a chance to try a swell's tobacco and liquor. That's prime stuff, sir. I feel more like talking now." "Then be quick about it. What is your business? And as you have the advantage of me at present, it would be better if you began by stating your name." "My name," the man paused half a second, "is Timmins Joe Timmins.
I had never seen you afore, and ve vas a going to crack a swell's crib. And Harry spoke up for you, and said as 'ow though you had just gone on the town, you was already prime up to gammon. You 'members, eh?" "Ay, I remember all," said Ned; "it was the first and only house I ever had a hand in breaking into.
Staines, if I was writing you a novel, I suppose I should tell you the rogues recoiled; but the truth is they only laughed, and were quite pleased. 'Swell's in earnest, said one, 'Jem, show the kid. Jem whistled, and in came a great tall black gypsy woman, with the darling. My heart was in my mouth, but I would not let them see it. I said, 'It is all right.
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