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Updated: September 26, 2024

It was unimaginable that a dressmaker should have had near ancestors in the peerage. It was more than a year and a half since she left the town. Mrs. Carter was able to say that not a single letter had been addressed to her, and she was almost forgotten. A few days afterwards Mrs. Sweeting had a little note requesting her to take tea with the Rector and his wife. Nobody was asked to meet her. Mrs.

"We be all nigh fools, sweeting big fools and little fools that is all." Maude gave up the attempt to make her understand. She only said, "Would your Grace that I read unto you a season?" privately intending, if her offer were accepted, to read from the gospel of Saint Luke, which she had with her.

When she had finished, he said slowly, "Sweeting, because my mind is laboring under so many burdens that my wits are even duller than they are wont, will you not have the patience to answer one question that is not clear to me?

Sweeting touched these men with money, which is the outward and visible sign of verified opinion. The customer touches Mr. Sweeting with money, Mr. Sweeting touches the waiter and the cook with money. They touch the turtle with skill and verified opinion.

Sweeting at the tea-table, "having a dish of tarts before him, and marmalade and crumpet upon his plate", should have moved the Comic Spirit to tears of gentleness. Curates apart, two-thirds of Shirley are written with an unerring devotion to the real, to the very actual. They have not, for all that, the profound reality of Jane Eyre.

I can't guess what you would insinuate, for I believe no woman had ever less reason to complain of her husband's want of fondness. Laetitia. Then some, I am certain, have great reason to complain of the price they give for them. But I know better things. Jonathan. Well, my sweeting, I will make it impossible for you to wish me more fond. Laetitia. Pray, Mr.

"No only to plague you as a girl torments what she truly loves.... Lois and I have spoken much of you together " She turned her head. "Where are you, sweeting?" Lois came from behind the blanket and knelt down so close to me that the fragrance of her freshened the air; and once again, as it happened at the first day's meeting in Westchester, the same thrill invaded me.

Sweeting, the grocer's wife, and Miss Tarrant, an elderly lady, living on a small annuity, but most genteel, were invited to Mrs. Bingham's. They began to talk of Mrs. Fairfax directly they had tasted the hot buttered toast. They had before them the following facts: the carrier's deposition that the goods came from Great Ormond Street; the lay-figure and what it wore; Mrs.

"But now, monsieur? Does it heal?" "It is well almost. 'Twas but a slash on the arm." "Oh, then have I no anxiety," she murmured, with a smile that twinkled across her lips and was gone. "I cannot perceive you to be disabled, monsieur." "My sweeting!" he laughed out. "If I cannot hold a sword yet, I can hold my love."

He was not in want of his daily bread, and although he desired like all good men to see the Kingdom of God, the advent of that celestial kingdom which had for an instant been disclosed to him was for ever impossible. The servant announced Mrs. Sweeting, who was asked to come in. "Sit down, Mrs. Sweeting. What can I do for you?"

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