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But afterwards they began to pike quarrels, as though they were not sufficientlie furnished of their due proportion of vittels, threatening that if they were not prouided more largelie thereof, they would surelie spoile the countrie.

Winifred's sleeping-room! 'Of course she wasn't her daughter, said Wilderspin meditatively, as we stood on the stairs. 'Not my darter! Why, in course she was. What an imperent thing to say, surelie! 'There is one thing I wish to say to you, said he to the woman.

To lack is to gyve pow'r to thee daemon; and surelie to fayvor the Evill Thynge. You see, the very shape of the ring was significant; and I determined to test it. "I unmade the pentacle, for it must be made afresh and around the one to be protected.

And surelie the king could doo no lesse, than some way requite the venturous courage and hartie zeale of the gentleman, who with the losse of his owne life preserued the king, if not from death, yet from some dangerous wound that might haue put him to extreame anguish and paine.

Who buried her? I said. 'What a question, surelie! she said, and kept repeating the words in order, as I saw, to give herself time to invent some story. Then a look of cunning overspread her face, and she whimpered, 'Who does bury folks in Primrose Court? The parish, to be sure. These words of the woman's showed that matters had taken exactly the course I should have liked them to take.

Then said the knight: "Sith that such things in despite of the king doo please you, it is to be thought that you would take from him his crowne, and be called and taken for king your selfe, but you shall misse of your purpose surelie therein." The archbishop answered: "I do not aspire to the name of a king, rather would I knit three crownes vnto his crowne if it lay in my power."

Therefore he made such sale of things appertaining to him, as well in right of the crowne, as otherwise, that it seemed to divers that he made his reckoning never to return agan, in so much that some of his councillors told him plainelie, that he did not well in making things awaie so freelie; unto whom he answered "that in time of need it was no evill policie for a man to help himself with his owne." and further, "that if London at that time of need would be bought, he would surelie sell it, if he might meet with a convenient merchant that were able to give him monie enough for it."

Of this Arthur manie things are written beyond credit, for that there is no ancient author of authoritie that confirmeth the same: but surelie as may be thought he was some woorthie man, and by all likelihood a great enimie to the Saxons, by reason whereof the Welshmen which are the verie Britains in déed, haue him in famous remembrance.

In a few minutes Ned was able to sit up; a drink of cold brandy and water further restored him. He went to the bed on which Bill had been placed. "He's not dead?" he asked with a gasp, as he saw the white face enveloped in bandages. "No, surelie," Luke replied cheerfully; "he be a long way from dead yet, oi hoape, though he be badly cut about." "Have you sent for the doctor?" Ned asked. "No!"

"Say 'bain't. Don't say 'The young lydy, she came rahnd to our plice; say 'The missy, 'er coomed down; 'er coomed, and 'er ses to the maister, 'er ses . . . That's the sort of thing I want to surround myself with here. When you informed me that the cow was mine, you should have said: 'Whoi, 'er be your cow, surelie 'er be." "Sure it's Berkshire?" demanded Hopkins. "You're confident about it?"