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"He's down there," she informed Monte. Monte glanced at his watch. "It's quarter of twelve," he announced. "I'll give him until twelve to leave." Marjory crossed to the window and stared out at the sun-lighted street. It was very beautiful out there very warm and gentle and peaceful. And at her back all this turmoil. Once again the unspoken cry that sprang to her lips was just this:

The light shineth upon us, and if by His mercy we have opened our hearts to it, then, according to the profound teaching of this context, we are not only a sun-lighted but a sunlike Church, and to us the commandment comes, 'Arise, shine, for thy light is come, and has turned thy poor darkness into a sun too. If we have the light we shall be light.

The only light comes from the flames of the dying fire logs that flicker as the wind howls down the chimney; the only sounds, the beating of the rain on the walls and roof, and during the creepy pauses in the yarn the creakings that a lonely house gives out in the night hours. Tell that same story on a sun-lighted June morning, in the orchard, when the trees are all in blossom.

He's jest got t' give me a chance." Marietta looked sober in sympathy. "Well! P'raps it's best to have it over with, Lime, but someway I feel kind o' scary about it." Lime stood for a long time looking in at the window, watching the light-footed girl as she set the table in the middle of the sun-lighted kitchen floor.

There was no ecstatic thrilling of her heart in the divine rapture of mutual and open recognition of love, for no such love existed on her part. It was only a languid feeling of contentment moon-lighted with sentiment, not sun-lighted with joy that she had found some one who would not leave her to labor and struggle alone. "Gus," she said pathetically, "we are very poor; we have nothing.

It was pleasant to see Mrs. Linceford looked pleased, as she opened her door to her, and to have her say, "You always do get on exactly the right thing!" There was a fresh feeling of pleasure even in looking over at Washington, sun-lighted and shadowed in his miles of heights and depths, as she sat by the cool east window, feeling quite her dainty self again.

He must, while feeling the beauty, the charm, and the meaning of mysticism, stand above it, on a clear and sun-lighted peak, and incline rather to the classical and masculine, than to the abstract and transcendental. His genius should be less epic and didactic, than lyrical and popular. He should be not so much the Homer as the Tyrtæus of this strange time.

Their glorious garments rustle in the air of the sea and their sun-lighted faces are the very complexion of Venice. The mixture of pride and piety, of politics and religion, of art and patriotism, gives a splendid dignity to every scene.

He's jest got t' give me a chance." Marietta looked sober in sympathy. "Well! P'raps it's best to have it over with, Lime, but someway I feel kind o' scary about it." Lime stood for a long time looking in at the window, watching the light-footed girl as she set the table in the middle of the sun-lighted kitchen floor.

The windows of the room were open, and looked southward, and a dull distant sound came over the sun-lighted roofs from that direction. "What is it?" said Jos. "Why don't you pour, you rascal?" "Cest le feu!" said Isidor, running to the balcony. "God defend us; it's cannon!" Mrs. O'Dowd cried, starting up, and followed too to the window.