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"Come along, Mother, we must go if we are to get a good place." "May I find one for you," said Mr. Duckworth, quite forgetting that he "must see the fellows," and thinking only of his good luck in falling in with such a "stunning-looking girl." He himself had changed into flannels, and with his athletic figure, his brown, healthy face, brown eyes and hair, was a thoroughly presentable young man.

She would have described him as "altogether quite stunning-looking"; and she liked his tall, dark thinness, his gray clothes, his soft hat, and his clean brown shoes; she liked his easy swing of the stick he carried. "Shouldn't I have said it?" he asked. "Would you rather not be taken for a Spanish countess?" "That isn't it," she explained. "You said "

Cowperwood, I've been telling your husband for nearly a year now that he should bring you out here. Did he tell you?" "Yes, indeed," replied Aileen, gaily, feeling that Addison was charmed by her beauty. "I've been wanting to come, too. It's his fault that I wasn't here sooner." Addison, looking circumspectly at Aileen, said to himself that she was certainly a stunning-looking woman.

Her dark olive brown skin, with rich warm colour showing through the sunburn of her cheeks, her dark eyes, and her hair for once "done up in style" under Kathleen's supervision, against the white of her costume made her indeed what her escort thought, "a stunning-looking girl." Usually careless as to her appearance, she had yielded to Kathleen's persuasion and had "gotten herself up to kill."

And I can't wonder he's not pleased with you when it gives him such pleasure to have a modish and handsome young woman at his side. I met him the other day walking down from Forty-second Street with that stunning-looking Mrs. Wyeth, and he looked as happy and bubbling as a schoolboy." "Oh Aunt Bell but of course, if you don't see, I couldn't possibly tell you."

No one ever doubted that he was in love with her almost from the first he who had resisted the professional beauties of three decades. You know she wasn't and isn't a beauty, even in that portrait of her by Sargent, with her two black-haired, stunning-looking boys, one on either side.

"I say," said Eckert suddenly, "who's that girl across the street there the one in black, just going by that furrier's sign? I've seen her somewhere before. Know who it is?" "That's Miss Bessemer, isn't it?" said George Hands, leaning forward. "Rather a stunning-looking girl." "Yes, that's Travis Bessemer," assented Jack Carter; adding, a moment later, "it's too bad about that girl."

I think your sister is a mighty stunning-looking girl." "I'll tell her you said so." "If you do I'll rub your nose in the mud!" and then, as they thought, philosophising further on the queerness of girls in general, the boys departed to the ball field. The father of Grace and Will Ford was a lawyer with more than a local reputation.

"I strongly disapprove of her, Charles. Either her hair is dyed or her eyes are blackened; that mixture is not natural, and if, indeed, it should be in this case then I consider it uncanny and not what one would wish for in the family." "Oh, I say, my lady!" objected Lord Charles, "I think she is the most stunning-looking young woman I've seen in a month of Sundays!"

She seized both his hands, still laughing. "You know how it is yourself? You do the same thing when your door is locked now don't you?" "Of course." "You can't help being a little vain, Jim, any more than I can. You know you're a stunning-looking fellow.