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"How do you know they're going to break into the house to-night?" he demanded of Burke; "or do you only think they're going to break into the house?" "I know they are." The Inspector's harsh voice brought out the words boastfully. "I fixed it." "You did!" There was wonder in the magnate's exclamation. "Sure," Burke declared complacently, "did it through a stool-pigeon."

Now it was a Greek confectioner on Avenida Central who admitted that the fugitive had called on him during the night, now a Panamanian pesquisa whose stool-pigeon had seen him out in the bush, then the information that he had stopped to shave and otherwise alter his appearance in some shack half-way across the Zone and afterward struck off for Panama by an unused route.

Gilder. You see, it's this way: The very foundations of the work done by this department rest on the use of crooks, who are willing to betray their pals for coin. I told you a bit about it last night. Now, you understand, if Griggs's murder goes unpunished, it'll put the fear of God into the heart of every stool-pigeon we employ. And then where'd we be? Tell me that!"

"Don't you have nothin' to do with it, Daylight. It's a blamed rotten sell. They're just going through the motions of a strike. Harper and Ladue's behind it, and Carmack's the stool-pigeon. Whoever heard of mining a moose-pasture half a mile between rim-rock and God alone knows how far to bed-rock!" Daylight nodded sympathetically, and considered for a space.

He was one of their most frequently used stool-pigeon directors in banks and insurance companies whose funds they staked in their big gambling operations, they taking almost all the profits and the depositors and policy holders taking almost all the risk. It had never once occurred to me to have any feeling of any kind about Tom, or in any way to take him into my calculations as to Anita.

Garson shook his head spoke with fiercer hatred, "because he was a skunk, and a stool-pigeon," he repeated. "Have you got it?" And then, as the stenographer nodded assent, he went on, less violently: "I croaked him just as he was going to call the bulls with a police-whistle. I used a gun with smokeless powder. It had a Maxim silencer on it, so that it didn't make any noise."

"If he isn't a kind of a stool-pigeon for Harvey Green, then I'm mistaken again." "Hardly. He cannot, already, have become so utterly unprincipled." "It's a bad school, sir, this tavern-keeping," said the man. "I readily grant you that." "And it's nearly seven years since he commenced to take lessons.

Captain Bowes's merchandizing in the matter of exchange was as open as the issuing of rations. His agent in conducting the bargaining was a Raider a New York gambler and stool-pigeon whom we called "Mattie." He dealt quite fairly, for several times when the exchange was interrupted, Bowes sent the money back to those who had paid him, and received it again when the exchange was renewed.

When his steps are abating on the stairs and the front door bangs to behind him, Emma Edwardovna snorts through her nose and says contemptuously: "Stool-pigeon! He wants to take money both here and there..." Little by little they all crawl apart out of the room. It is dark in the house. It smells sweetly of the half-withered sedge. Quiet reigns.

I'll warrant you she'll not be either two minutes or two feet out of the way, unless them jealous vagabonds, the Mingos, have taken the alarm, and put her as a stool-pigeon to catch us, or have hid her away, in order to prepare her mind for a Huron instead of a Mohican husband." "Deerslayer," interrupted the girl, earnestly; "this is a most dangerous service; why do you go on it, at all?" "Anan!