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"As much as it pains me to say it," replied the Sniffer citizen, "I have to agree. After all, the Stinkfoot people used to get along fine with my people, so long as we kept our distance from one another. Now that the Stinkfoots are infringing on our territory, we are forced to take action against them despite our former friendship. But there simply is no alternative.

Ozma pocketed the little bottle and thanked the Sniffer and Stinkfoot Presidents. Then Ozma and the party of five was on its way to the land of the Saber-Toothed Light Bulbs. "How far is it from here?" asked Elephant, who was still carrying the others on his broad back. "Well," said Hootsey, "it isn't exactly close.

She hurriedly knocked on the heavy oak door. Her knock was answered by a Stinkfoot who was dressed as a butler. "Yes?" he said to her. "I amb Queen Ozba of Oz," she explained. "I amb here to speak to the President." "Queen Ozba of Oz?" replied the butler. "But you are just a child. How can you be the queen of anything? Except possibly a toy box." "I amb Queen Ozba!" she said. "I amb serious!

"Ignore the little scamp and let's get on with our revolution!" "Wait a minute!" shuddered President McFoot. "I have seen pictures of the Queen of Oz in the newspapers. The place no longer is run by that Scarecrow man. I think this child is telling the truth!" The Stinkfoot soldiers suddenly stood at attention and saluted Ozma.

What can we do?" "I intend to speak with your President," replied Ozma. "And I will also meet with the Stinkfoot President." Ozma and the Lunechien party of five was greeted at the border of the Sniffer Nation by President Humongous Schnozzle himself. Indeed, he must have had the largest nose that Ozma had ever seen. It was longer than that of Elephant! "Probisquous!" he said joyfully.

"I amb Queen Ozba of Oz," she said with some difficulty. "I amb here to visit with President Stinky McFoot of the Stinkfoot Nation." "I thought your nose was too small to make you a Sniffer," he said. "But it is sure a lot bigger than any Stinkfoot's. Hey, why are you holding it like that?"

"I will give you all the time you want," replied the Sniffer President. "At least, from my side. But if those stinkers start anything, you'd better believe that I will not sit doggo and let them destroy our homes." "Fair enough," said Ozma. She then followed Probisquous to the edge of the Stinkfoot Nation. "I can't take you any further," he said. "My eyes are already starting to water.

The entire party hurried out the door, but were too late to stop the offensive army from setting fire to the home of President Schnozzle. "My home!" cried he. "My books! My teddy bear! My original Rembrandt!" "Halt!" cried Ozma. "I am your Queen!" "It's that silly little girl I told you about, Master," said a Stinkfoot that Ozma recognized as the man who had answered the door.

I bean it!" "Okay," chuckled the Stinkfoot. "I'll play along for a moment. If you are the Queen of Oz, what is it you wish to speak to President McFoot about?" "He is planning a war with the Sniffer Nation," said the Queen. "I want to try to find a better way for your people to solve your differences." "That is very touching," laughed the butler.

I immediately dashed off a letter of protest to the Stinkfoot President, demanding an immediate withdrawal to the previously negotiated line of demarcation two miles north of the border.