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"Here sighs, with lamentations and loud moans Resounded through the air pierced by no star, That e'en I wept at entering." According to Parsons: "Mid sighs, laments, and hollow howls of woe, Which, loud resounding through the starless air, Forced tears of pity from mine eyes at first." "Quivi sospiri, pianti ed alti guai Risonavan per l' ner senza stelle, Perch' io al cominciar ne lagrimai."

"There are few," he says, "who have not, at one period of life, broken ties of love and friendship, secret disappointments of the heart, to mourn over, and we know no book which recalls the memory of them more severely than 'Julia de Roubigne." He could not be very eager to recall them, he who had so bitterly endured them, and because he had known and always knew "l'amor che move 'l sol e l'altre stelle," a seal was on his lips, a silence broken only by a caress of Di Vernon's.

"Not real love," she said to herself. "Oh, God, help me to go on believing in that." Raising her eyes she saw the evening star sparkling in a wide, soft, clear space of sky. It seemed infinitely pure and remote, and yet somehow good and kind, as it had to Dante when he climbed up out of hell. "Quindi uscimmo a riveder le stelle." "Ora si chiude!" bawled a gardener from the Belvedere.

The constant succession of hopes, fears, wants, gratitudes, loves, and the necessity of employing his imagination, accounts for all. "Io veggio in cielo scintillar le stelle,"

"The pride of Auld Reekie just now is Mr. Gourlay Stelle, who was lately commanded to Balmoral Castle to paint the Queen's dogs." "The very person! I have seen his beautiful canvas 'Burns and the Field Mouse. Is he not a younger brother of Sir John Stelle, the sculptor of the statue and character figures in the Scott monument?"

L'amor che muove il sole e le altre stelle, "The Love that moves the sun and the other Stars." Ah, glory to this Dante! Glory to the man who would end nothing but with the stars! Now to consider what this Blind Maeonides did for Greece. Sometime last Century a Black Potentate from Africa visited England, and was duly amazed at all he saw.

I had the honour to pay him a visit in his home one pleasant Sunday afternoon in company with Bancroft. I remember Bancroft's crisp German enunciation as he presented me; "Ich stelle Ihnen einen Amerikaner vor," and he mentioned my name. I bowed and felt my hand grasped cordially in a warm, well-conditioned palm, while a round, genial face beamed good-naturedly.

"Oh, stir up a cake and make some ice-cream. Can you make ice-cream?" "You bet I can with ice. Bring on your ice." "Ice is easy to get. Cook is what bothered me." "That ought to be easy," said Burke. "Marry one." "That's what I'm telling Bailey." "Why don't you set the example. 'Stelle Clayton now."

I will show her in the circle of spotless flame, among the rivers and rings of eternal light, which revolve around the inmost heart, the fiery rose, and move obedient to the Love which moves the sun." And his thought shaped itself into verse and he murmured to himself: L'amor che muove il sole e l'altre stelle. The King had not slept for three nights.

Giusto gindizio dalle stelle caggia Sopra il tuo sangue, e sia nuovo ed aperto, Tal che il tuo successor temenza n' aggia: Cheavete tu e il tuo padre sofferto, Per cupidigia di costa distretti, Che il giardin dell' imperio sia diserto. Vieni a veder Montecchi e Cappelletti, Monaldi e Filippeschi, uom senza cura: Color gia tristi, e questi con sospetti.