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These were run to earth in the station-master's office, and as the party had no idea where to go, we suggested they should come with us to the rest-house. The first person we met there was Dr. Clemow. "Have you got the Sirdar with you?" we asked. He answered that he had brought Paul, the young Montenegrin interpreter, with him.

She ran away with the Station-master's servant and half my month's pay. Then she turned up at Dadur Junction in tow of a half-caste, and had the impidence to say I was her husband all among the drivers in the running-shed too! "'We've done with that, says Dravot; 'these women are whiter than you or me, and a Queen I will have for the winter months.

"No fear!" said the station-master as though even he drew the line somewhere in the matter of knowledge. "I mutht make inquireth bout thith," said Mr. Skinner, edging out of reach of the station-master's concluding generalisations about the responsibility attaching to the excessive nurture of hens.... Going through Urshot Mr.

His words called suddenly to Westray's recollection that night walk when the station lights of Cullerne Road were seen dimly through the fog, and the station-master's story that Lord Blandamer had travelled by the mail on the night of poor Sharnall's death. He said nothing, but felt his resolution strengthened.

The station-master's sole lingual accomplishment was French. This concatenation of circumstances might with ordinary persons have led to some diminution of the force of adjuration. But probably the station-master lost little of the meaning the Patriarch desired to convey.

The next morning, when Mavis wanted to pay Mrs Medlicott, the station-master's wife would not hear of it. She declared that she was amply repaid by Mavis' accompanying her husband's songs, which was enough to make him happy for many weeks to come. Mrs Medlicott also observed that her husband would like to take singing lessons from Mavis, if the latter cared to teach him.

His uncle had evidently not arrived, unless he had come disguised as an old woman, an act of which Gethryn refused to believe him capable. He enquired as to the next train that was expected to arrive from London. The station-master's son was not sure, but would ask the porter, whose name it appeared was Johnny. Johnny gave the correct answer without an effort.

As Claire sat there awaiting the train, gazing vaguely at the station-master's melancholy little garden, and the debris of climbing plants running along the fences by the track, she felt a moist, warm breath on her glove.

"I've sprained my ankle," said Frank. "It's my belief," said the guard, "that the young gentleman's leg is broke on him. That's what the ticket-collector was after telling me at the junction any way." "Would you like me to cut off your sock?" said Priscilla. "The station-master's wife would lend me a pair of scissors. She's sure to have a pair. Almost everybody has." "No, I wouldn't," said Frank.

"No, sir; nothing was left here. At least, I think not. Any name on it, sir?" "Elster." A quick glance from the station-master's eyes met the answer. Elster was the name of the family at Hartledon. He wondered whether this could be one of them, or whether the name was merely a coincidence. "There was no portmanteau left, was there, Jones?" asked the station-master.