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"Did the nurse know the brother was in South Africa?" "No she had no idea of it. I'm sure of that. It's one of those wonderful coincidences one some-times hears of." The lawyer shook his head. Thoughtfully he said: "It's certainly strange one of the strangest things I ever heard of." "Kenneth will be able to tell us more about it when he comes," said Ray.

We shall have tea in the hall it is the coolest place in this weather and there will be two or three sets of tennis, and croquet for those who like it. It was all Elizabeth's plan. You have no idea what a talent she has for organisation she almost takes my breath away some-times. She planned everything last night and had the list ready for me when I went to bid her good-night."

Penn said, "I will not call you my children, because fathers some-times whip their children. I will not call you brothers, because brothers sometimes fall out. But I will call you the same person as the white people. We are the two parts of the same body." The Indians could not write. But they had their way of putting down things that they wished to have re-mem-bered.

And with these marks on his back, this image of his Creator must rise at the Last Day. Yet so untouchable is true dignity, that there are cases wherein to be flogged at the gangway is no dishonour; though, to abase and hurl down the last pride of some sailor who has piqued him, be some-times the secret motive, with some malicious officer, in procuring him to be condemned to the lash.

'Through the fog and through the muck the coach went on, as best it might; sometimes foundered in a slough, with half of the horses splashing it, and some-times knuckled up on a bank, and straining across the middle, while all the horses kicked at it. However, they went on till dark as well as might be expected.

In case of illness from improper food, or excess in eating, fasting for one or two meals, to give the system time and chance to relieve itself, is the safest remedy. Some-times, a gentle cathartic of castor-oil may be needful; but it is best first to try fasting.

And some-times the luck would go against a man and he would have nothing left, and then one or another would lend him something, and he would pay it again out of his winnings, for neither good nor bad luck stopped long with anyone.

"I thought he was hon-est, but I was mis-tak-en," remarked Tiktok. "My thoughts are us-u-al-ly cor-rect, but it is Smith & Tin-ker's fault if they some-times go wrong or do not work prop-er-ly." "Smith & Tinker made a very good job of you," said Ozma, kindly. "I do not think they should be blamed if you are not quite perfect." "Thank you," replied Tiktok.

There stands a little white stone at the head, and verdure grows richly there; and gossips, some-times of a Sabbath afternoon, rambling over that gathering-place of the gone from earth, stop a while, and con over the dumb girl's hapless story. A Brooklyn fragment It is a beautiful truth that all men contain something of the artist in them.

"Who's going to take care of it, I'd like to know?" she said, as soon as she could get herself into a state of severe inquiry. "Some-times me, and some-times Jonas," I sang, still walking up and down the room with a long, slow step, swinging the baby from side to side, very much as if it were grass-seed in a sieve, and I were sowing it over the carpet.