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Oh, why did I tell you!" "Yes, why did you tell me!" he stormed. "Because I thought it would make it easier for you to confess to me " "Confess to you? I've nothing to confess I've loved you honestly! Did you think I'd been carrying on some nasty sneaking intrigue with a friend's wife did you think I was that sort of a fellow the sort of a fellow North is? Do you take me for a common blackguard?"

Whistler, for the first time, seemed to realize that her umbrella made her conspicuous; so she furled it and concluded to escape from an embarrassing position by going home. As she stepped into the aisle her enemy gave her a parting salute: "Sneaking off before the collection, too! You'd better spend less for breastpins and give more to the poor heathen if you don't want to ketch it hereafter!"

We would, of course, have stopped them a few hundred yards back, at our support line, and I must confess that I had at times a sneaking desire to see them come over and get into that mud so we could move back to comparatively comfortable quarters. As we no longer had any trenches, we abandoned the old letter method of designation and simply numbered the various positions.

The poor homeless beast came sneaking back, so he told his men to get rid of it.

"This is a lover of Madame de Bergenheim," thought Lambernier, with the barefaced impudence of his kind; "if I were to tell him what I know, my vengeance would be in good hands, without my taking the trouble to commit myself." "Here is a sneaking fellow who pretends to be deucedly strong in diplomacy," said Marillac to himself; "but he is revengeful and I must make him explain himself."

It is that sneaking rascal Leicester, is it not?" "How dare you, sir, speak to me of my friends in that manner!" exclaimed Lucy, rising to her feet and stamping upon the ground in the excess of her indignation. "Go, sir, and never come near me again; I will never speak another word to you!" "You won't, eh?" was the sneering retort. "All right. I will go; and I'll not come near you again.

'But you would go, I suppose, if you could? 'I might I doubt it. There is our marriage.... 'Marriage indeed! It is the one thing to transform our marriage from a sneaking difficulty to a ten times triumphant event. 'You mean if I personally were the first to stand at the Pole. But there are many in an expedition. It is very unlikely that I, personally 'For me you will, Adam she began.

People went about sneaking into other people's homes like detectives; they turned yellow and grew scrofulous from too much salt pork, green tea, native tobacco, and the heat of feather beds.

In my country we treat all men alike, and I am bound to say that if you'd been married to Eve out in Okata, and I'd seen any old skunk, whether he'd been an earl or what he looks like a secondhand clothes dealer sneaking Eve's presents, I'd have had him in prison before you'd reached the station." "Mr. Bundercombe!"

Why did he sit trembling? At half-past twelve Lala Roy rose. "It is your dinner-hour," he said to James, and it seemed to the unhappy man as it he was saying, "I know all." "It is your dinner hour; go, eat, refresh the body. Whom should suspicion affright except the guilty?" James put on his hat and sneaked he felt that he was sneaking out of the shop.