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Assume nothing; simply appear, and the surroundings will do the rest; like the penny-in-the-slot arrangements. Seen upon a background of Bates, William, Benson, Big Cummins, the Curate, Miss Smeardon, and may I dare to add, the lady of the Manor herself, any living breathing man takes on an Olympian majesty.

"What were you doing on the lawn at four o'clock this morning?" she began, but checked herself, suddenly thinking that if Carnaby had been up to mischief she must not allude to it before his grandmother. No one had heard her. The meal dragged on. Robinette and Lavendar talked little. Miss Smeardon was preoccupied with the sufferings and the moods of Rupert.

When a quarter of an hour later Miss Smeardon appeared to tell Robinette that they must be going, she looked up with a start at the sound of footsteps on the gravel path. "Oh, you are here, Mrs. Loring; we couldn't think where you had gone," said Miss Smeardon, acidly. "And here is Miss Meredith of all people!" she continued, "I thought you were sure to be on the tennis court, Miss Meredith; Mr.

"They seemed quite devoted at first," Miss Smeardon began; but Robinette interrupted her. "The sooner such things are forgotten the better, I think," she said. "No one, except the two people concerned, ever knows the real truth. Tell me, Miss Smeardon, whom we are likely to meet at Revelsmere? Who is our hostess? What sort of parties does she give?"

"Quite so; certainly; no doubt Miss Meredith would never have made him happy," said Miss Smeardon at once, "though it is always more agreeable when the lady discovers the fact first. In this case she confessed openly that Mr. Lavendar broke her heart with his indifference." "She was an ill-bred young woman," said Mrs. de Tracy, as if the subject were now closed.

Mrs. de Tracy actually walked a few steps to meet him, with a greeting less frigid than usual. "I'm glad to see you, Mark," said she. "Bates said you preferred to walk from the station." Mark turned his kind eyes on Miss Smeardon, and held her knuckly hand in his own almost tenderly.

"What Nelson said about going to church with Lady Hamilton!" Lavendar had once commented, irrepressibly, but the allusion, rather fortunately, was lost upon Miss Smeardon. Mark began to picture the familiar Sunday scene to himself; Miss Smeardon in the hall at a quarter to eleven punctually, marshalling the church-goers; and Mrs.

Her manner is too informal; Carnaby requires constant repression." "Perhaps his temperature has not returned to normal since his attack of quinsy," Miss Smeardon observed, reassuringly. Meanwhile Lavendar sat in Admiral de Tracy's old smoking room for half an hour writing letters.

As Robinette and Miss Smeardon alighted at the door an elderly hostess welcomed them, and an elderly host led them across the lawn and straightly they fell into the clutches of more and more elderlies. "It is fairly bewildering!"

"You'll need to hold on your hats. Bucephalus goes at such fiery speed that they'll be torn off your heads unless you do." "Middy dear, you're not the least amusing," said Robinette quite crossly, and with a lurch the carriage moved off. Miss Smeardon settled herself for conversation. "I'm afraid you will find me but a dull companion, Mrs.