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"Compactum" camp-bed with case, and fitted with sockets to take mosquito netting. Campaigning bedding-bag in Willesden canvas, with bedding complete. Waterproof sheet. Indiarubber bath. If shooting in the higher mountains is anticipated, a Wolseley sleeping-bag should be taken. Small stable-lantern. Rug or plaid light and warm. Half-a-dozen towels.

But sure, if I'd breathed I'd been a goner!" All of this was playfully intended for the extinction of an unoffending and impressionable tenderfoot. With an admiring glance at my tormentors, I rolled out my sleeping-bag and crawled into it, vowing I would remain there even if devil-fish, armed with pikes, invaded our cave. Late in the night I awoke.

At that he crept into his sleeping-bag and was soon snoring. The two boys gladly followed his example. Barney made the first announcement in the morning. He was going caribou hunting. He had had quite enough "dog meat." Bruce offered to go with him, but, on second thought, decided to try fishing through the ice. Barney was soon lost in the wilderness of scrub spruce.

Now Solly's instructions to Dick to lie low, and say nothing, no matter what he found out, had been explicit and insisted upon, and in spite of his instinct to warn the professor, he might have been content to "lie low" and go on watching till the trip was over, had it not been for a certain small but excessively highly-charged black scorpion that found its way into Dick's sleeping-bag that night; and more than making up in "cussedness" what it lacked in size, gave him an exceedingly warm time of it.

I slept on the floor near the door in my sleeping-bag, with my nose glued to the crack to get a breath of God's cold air, in spite of the need for warmth for not a blanket did the house possess.

"I don't mind being kept in trenches for several weeks," remarked their commander to the staff officer who received him when he reported, "and I can put up with losing my sleeping-bag; but I do object to having my last box of cigars looted by the blackguards who took over our billets!" The staff officer expressed sympathy, and the subject dropped.

One of the party to whom I had said "Well, you all were packed up ready," replied, "You see, boss, Wild never gave up hope, and whenever the sea was at all clear of ice he rolled up his sleeping-bag and said to all hands, 'Roll up your sleeping-bags, boys; the boss may come to-day." And so it came to pass that we suddenly came out of the fog, and, from a black outlook, in an hour all were in safety homeward bound.

They crept along a narrow shelf where a slip on some pebble might send them crashing to death in the tumbled mass of ice below. They scaled an all but perpendicular wall, to drag their sleeping-bag and the few other belongings, which they had dared attempt to carry, after them by the aid of a skin-rope. Then, after a few minutes' rest, they would rise to climb again.

It was so dark he could not see Bram when he got on his feet, but he could hear him a moment later among the wolves, and knew that he was making ready to travel. When his sleeping-bag and tent were on the sledge he struck a match and looked at his watch. It was less than a quarter of an hour after midnight. For two hours Bram led his pack straight into the west.

Joe's body turned rigid, his shaking fingers grew stiff and useless, when out of the darkness came a sigh faint but unmistakable; whence it issued neither brother could tell. With another shriek Frank fell back and burrowed into his sleeping-bag. Rouletta Kirby spent an anxious and a thoughtful night.