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He gave me a quick glance, as if he were sizing me up altogether. "Well, I'll tell you what, Mr. Moneylaws," he said. "The fact is, I'm wanting a sort of steward, and it strikes me that you're just the man I'm looking for!"

"The young fool!" that was Steen Wilcox sizing up the situation from the angle of a naturally cautious nature and some fifteen years of experience on a great many different worlds. "He'll be mustered out for good before he knows what happened to him!" The younger Salarik had barked a question at his elder and had been promptly answered by that dripping warrior.

"I never get a jag from a pin but I see myself in the shape of a hoop, semicircular, with my head on one end of a table, my heels on the other, and a doctor standing on my navel trying to reduce the curvature." "Gosh!" said Partan, who was a literal fool, "is that the treatment they purshoo?" "That's the treatment!" said Tarmillan, sizing up his man. "Oh, it's a queer thing lockjaw!

If it has not been altered by chemical agents, the partial sizing and the resinous matter used give to the paper a peculiar appearance. Sizing takes away from the whiteness of the paper, and, thinned by the scratching or washing, it absorbs much more quickly even when it has been partially sized.

As to the spots produced by other aqueous liquids, they approach in appearance, though not in intensity, those occasioned by pure water. Feeble acids, or those diluted by water, act like water; but the concentrated mineral acids, in altering more or less the substance of the sizing, produce spots that present differences.

Evidently sizing Purdie up as some one in Ayscough's confidence, he spoke in the fashion of one who has something as mysterious, as important, to communicate. "Beg your pardon, Mr. Ayscough," he said. "A word with you sir. You know me, Mr. Ayscough?" Ayscough looked sharply at his questioner. "Mr. Goodyer, isn't it?" he asked. "Oh, yes, I remember. What is it?

It consists of a series of silk disks saturated with a sizing of plumbago and well dried. The disks are compressed by means of an adjustable screw; and in this manner the resistance of a circuit can be varied over a wide range. In like manner Edison developed a "pressure" or carbon relay, adapted to the transference of signals of variable strength from one circuit to another.

Then suddenly he looked straight into the eyes of his employer. "I know a man may sometimes be wrong in sizing up another," he began, "but Bergstein seems to me to have considerable of the peddler in him." "And yet you say, Billy, the horses he sent were sound, and the price fair." "The price he asked was not," replied Holcomb. "I gave him what I knew they were worth he wasn't long in taking it.

"Look there, sir," and his outstretched arm indicated the direction while Carter swung his glasses around to the place. "Videttes," he exclaimed without looking up. "Sizing us up through glasses, eh?" "Russians?" The chauffeur's excitement was manifest, for he was frowning in a vain endeavor to discern the distant specks. "I don't know.

When I am through, Moncrossen, you won't be worth licking no ten-year-old boy will think it worth his while to step out of his way to slap your dirty face." With a hoarse bellow, Moncrossen launched himself at the speaker. And just at that moment swarming over the bank at the rollways came the men of the upper drive. The leaders paused, and sizing up the situation, came on at a run.