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I have spent ten thousand dollars in lobbying that measure through, and charged it all to improvements' on the Bulletin. Sounds like I had joined the ranks of the 'boodlers, don't it? Well, I don't give a cooky for ethics so long as I know I'm right. I'd have been a simp, as Biff Bates calls it, to go among that crowd of hungry law jugglers with kind words and the ten commandments.

"Think I been loading you up with hot air? I was sent out to round you up " "Forget all that!" snapped luck. "I don't know as I enjoy having you fellows jump at the notion I'm a bank-robber or that if I had robbed a bank I would have come right back here and gone to work. What kind of a simp do you think I am, for gosh sake?

As soon as he was gone, I quickly turned over all the earth in the flower-bed with my trowel, but couldn't find a thing, so I suppose the simp must have taken it away with him, whatever it was." "Not caring at all whether it was one of the diamond cuff-buttons we have been after or not, eh? My, but aren't you the independent cuss, Heinie?

She was ever for culling, sorting, eliminating repression carried to the N-th power. At first L cordially hated her, calling her a "simp," a "bluff," a "la-de-da," and what not.

As he hurried to the door, he expressed again his admiration for the name. "Mrs. Gilder! Doesn't that sound immense?" And with that he was gone. There was silence in the drawing-room until the two women heard the closing of the outer door of the apartment. Then, at last, Aggie relieved her pent-up emotions in a huge sigh that was near a groan. "Oh Gawd!" she gasped. "The poor simp!"

But Pisgah and Simp, who had applied to Slidell several times by letter for temporary loans, were averse, just now, to the presence of one who had forgotten "the first requisite of a Southern Gentleman generosity." So it was settled that only the Colony and Hugenot were to come, each man to bring one lady. Simp, Pisgah, and Freckle thought Hugenot a villain.

"Oh, I was, was I? Well, if I was above you, where did you think that other ridiculous little simp belonged, I should like to know? Not with me, I hope?" "But you see, Leslie " somehow the great question that had loomed between them these weeks dwarfed and shrivelled when he tried to explain it to Leslie "Well ?" "Well, I've just found out you are very rich " "Well?" "Well, I'm POOR."

Simp, who had been endeavoring to recollect some passages of his address, in the case of the Jeemses, for that address had an universal application, and might mean as much now as on the original occasion, brought down one of those decayed boots which the marchand des habits had thrice refused to buy, and said, stoutly: "'By Gad! think of it, hyuh am I, a beggah, by Gad, without shoes to my feet, suh!