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"Si-lence! The idea of a uniform is, of course, out of the question." "Oo-oo-oo-oo, sir-r-r!" "Be quiet! Entirely out of the question. We cannot plunge into needless expense. Stone, listen to me. I cannot have this noise and disturbance! Another time when a point arises it must be settled by a show of hands. Well, Wilson?" "Please, sir, may we have helmets?"

George Merry was at the door, spitting and spluttering over some bad-tasted medicine; but at the first word of the doctor's proposal he swung round with a deep flush, and cried, "No!" and swore. Silver struck the barrel with his open hand. "Si-lence!" he roared, and looked about him positively like a lion.

"Si-lence!" roared the crier, awaking from a nap, with an instinct that something unusual had happened. But the shrewd old judge had caught the sincerity with which the words were uttered, and put on his spectacles to examine the speaker. "Are you for the plaintiff or the defendant?" "I don't know either of 'em from Adam, my lord. But I know Captain Dodd's pocket-book by the bullet-hole."

'Si-lence, says the form-master, and the whole business must be gone through again, with the added disadvantage that the master now has his eye fixed coldly on the individual nearest the window, your only link with the outer world. Various masters have various methods under such circumstances.

On the other hand, nominal or even unsubstantial damages would be unjust to the plaintiff; and perhaps leave in some minds a doubt that I think you do not yourselves entertain, as to the plaintiff's perfect sanity during the whole period of his life." As soon as his lordship had ended, the foreman of the jury said their minds were quite made up long ago. "Si-lence in the court."

"You must say my lord say my lord," interposed the bombasin gown. "Speak out. Si-lence!" "Where do you live?" "Friar's Place please you, my lord." The bombasin smiled pitifully at the ignorance of the witness, and said no more. "Do you know the prisoner at the bar?" "About ten weeks ago please you, my lord, I was hired by the landlord "

"Si-lence!" exclaimed a sonorous voice, belonging to a punchy body, a tall wand, and a black bombasin gown; and immediately afterwards, "a friend of the prisoner's, my lord. Get into that box speak loud look at his lordship. Si-lence!" The individual who caused this little excitement, and who now ascended the witness's tribune, was a labouring man.

"Si-lence! The idea of a uniform is, of course, out of the question." "Oo-oo-oo-oo, sir-r-r!" "Be quiet! Entirely out of the question. We cannot plunge into needless expense. Stone, listen to me. I cannot have this noise and disturbance! Another time when a point arises it must be settled by a show of hands. Well, Wilson?" "Please, sir, may we have helmets?"

Odds were taken that he would have fourteen years. "At all events," said one of the small officials, in answer to eager inquiries, "more than he could do on his head." With this enigmatical reply of the oracle its astonished questioners were compelled to be content. "Silence in the court si-lence." The judge had returned.

George Merry was at the door, spitting and spluttering over some bad-tasted medicine; but at the first word of the doctor's proposal he swung round with a deep flush and cried "No!" and swore. Silver struck the barrel with his open hand. "Si-lence!" he roared and looked about him positively like a lion.