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Then, when the door was closed again, Peggy's lover crept along and listened at the shutter outside. Why was she there? He stood bewildered. She had promised to call upon him at his rooms, and yet she was there in that low-class house a veritable den it seemed!

A moving-picture machine is really a rapid-fire repeating camera provided with a lens allowing of a very quick exposure. Internal mechanism, operated by a hand-crank or electric motor, moves the unexposed film into position behind the lens and also opens and closes the shutter at just the proper moment.

Two of our windowpanes have just been broken. That is what first frightened us so much." Without answering a word Dagobert flew to the window, opened it quickly, pushed back the shutter, and leaned out. He saw nothing; it was a dark night. He listened; but heard only the moaning of the wind. "Spoil-sport," said he to his dog, pointing to the open window, "leap out, old fellow, and search!"

There was no window in his dungeon, but for ventilation there was an opening, half the size of a sash, closed in cold weather by a board shutter. From this cell, he had been taken to the McLean Asylum, where his irons had been knocked off, his swollen limbs chafed gently, and finding himself comfortable, he exclaimed, "My good man, I must kiss you."

Above the fireplace hung a large canvas, and out of its depths sombre, waiting eyes looked down upon the vacant room. The door opened. An old woman had entered. She held in her hand a stout cane. She walked stiffly across to the window and threw back a shutter. The window opened into the soft greenness of a Munich garden. She stood for a minute looking into it.

But the wood of the shutter was old and full of chinks, and Delane, pressing his face to the window, was able to get just a glimpse of the scene within Rachel at the head of the table, the man in uniform beside her three other women. A paraffin lamp threw the shadow of the persons at the table sharply on the white distempered wall.

The point, B, behaves in the same way and gives an image at B', but, as will be at once seen, the image will be reversed. In our figure, A corresponds to the sky and B to the earth. If, then, the shutter passes in front of the objective, it will first allow of the passage of the rays which come from the sky, then, on continuing its travel, it will unveil the landscape, and lastly the ground.

The detective placed his hands on his knees, and Gallegher stood upon his shoulders, and with the blade of his knife lifted the wooden button that fastened the window on the inside, and pulled the shutter open. Then he put one leg inside over the sill, and leaning down helped to draw his fellow-conspirator up to a level with the window.

She neglected the flame and began to make pretty patterns with the ashes. Robin came to bid her good-bye before leaving London for Rome. The weeping woman was gone. He looked into the hard, white face of a woman who smiled. They talked rather constrainedly for a few minutes. Then suddenly he said: "Once it was a painted window, now it's an iron shutter."

There was a stir in the room above me; the shutter was cautiously opened and I was covered by the muzzle of a pistol. "Who are you?" demanded a voice which I knew to be Charles Gordon's. "James Frisby of Fairlee," I replied. "I have ridden to warn you, Mr. Gordon. You have only a few minutes to escape in; James Rodolph, with a hundred men behind him, will be here in ten minutes."