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Millicent was not a scrupulous woman, and her ideas of ethical justice were rudimentary, but she possessed in place of a conscience a delicate sense of refinement which her husband frequently offended. Feeling chilly at length, and seeing no sign of the shooter's return, Millicent went back into the house.

'I don't think they minded it, said Jane, with simple good faith. 'And I'm always hearing them wish he was back, instead of the new managers. 'I think we shall have to consider this, remarked the lady, thoughtfully. Considered it was, and with the result that the Batterbys before long found themselves in their old position, uproariously welcomed by Shooter's Gardens.

"The time and place may suit your convenience, so it be soon and not too far away," "Let us say the cow wallow on Shooter's Hill, near the oaks, at sunrise to-morrow," Preston proposed. "I agree," the Lieutenant answered. "Whatever comes of it, let us have secrecy and all possible protection from each side to the other when the affair is ended," said Preston.

But the eastern sky was clear with an ever-growing brightness; hope lay there, so, as I walked, I kept my eyes towards the east. Being come at last to that eminence which is called Shooter's Hill, I sat down upon a bank beside the way and turned to look back upon the wonderful city.

In the first glance that had been exchanged between the two men there had been a lack of ordinary cordiality. And now, as the rider slid down from his pony and advanced toward the center of the street, the shooter's lips curled. Writhing through them came slow-spoken words. "You runnin' sheep, stranger?" The rider's lips smiled, but his eyes were steady and cold.

And now let us fancy our friends up, and down, Shooter's Hill, through Dartford, Northfleet, and Gravesend at which latter place, the first foreign symptom appears, in words, "Poste aux Chevaux," on the door-post of the inn; and let us imagine them bowling down Rochester Hill at a somewhat amended pace, with the old castle, by the river Medway, the towns of Chatham, Strood and Rochester full before them, and the finely wooded country extending round in pleasing variety of hill and dale.

'Once upon a time, he would shout, with an arrogant gesture, 'I was known from Blackheath to Hounslow, from Ware to Shooter's Hill. And the truth is, the only 'crime' he ever committed was plagiarism. The self-assumed title of Captain should have deceived nobody, for the braggart never stole anything more difficult of acquisition than another man's words.

So victorious over his passions is this young Scipio from the Pole, that though on Shooter's Hill he fell into an ambush laid for him by an illustrious Countess, of blood-royal herself, his Majesty, after descending from his car, and courteously greeting her, again mounted his vehicle, without being one moment eclipsed from the eyes of the surrounding multitude. Oh! mercy on me!

"That offer of a hundred to the man who can beat that shootin' still goes," he declared. "An' I'm taking off the condition. The man that tries don't have to belong to Dry Bottom. No stranger is barred!" The stranger's glance again met the shooter's. The latter grinned felinely. Then the rider spoke. The crowd gave him its polite attention.

But, in the latter case, the shot may often hit the mark, but as often rebound and harden, if not destroy, the shooter's heart even his soul. This choice tells why Beethoven is always modern and Strauss always mediaeval try as he may to cover it up in new bottles.