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The stories told by the reeve, miller, friar, sompnour, shipman, and merchant belong to the class of fabliaux, a few of which existed in English, such as Dame Siriz, the Lay of the Ash, and the Land of Cokaygne, already mentioned.

A cry of joy from Robert Knolles and a hearty prayer of gratitude to the saints from the old shipman hailed them as their missing comrades, the cog Thomas and the Grace Dieu. But fair as was the view of their lost friends, and wondrous the appearance of the Spanish ships, it was not on those that the eyes of the men of the Basilisk were chiefly bent.

"Maybe I do talk too much," answered the Norseman. "It is a failing in my family. But my sister is worse than I." Then the king laughed again, and so dismissed the shipman, and presently Owen bade me make all preparation for riding to Norton on the morrow early. Ina would have us take a strong guard, and I should bring them back, either with or without Owen, as things went.

But how is it with you, master shipman?" "Ill enough, my fair lord. The cog must go about anon, and I know not how we may keep the water out of her." "Go call Sir Oliver!" said Sir Nigel, and presently the portly knight made his way all astraddle down the slippery deck. "By my soul, master-shipman, this passes all patience!" he cried wrathfully.

"And now, fair sir, I must hasten back to see how my rogues have fared with the brawn." "Nay, but this will scarce suffice," cried the shipman. "If we do not veer we will be upon the rocks within the hour." "Then veer," said Sir Oliver. "There is my rede; and now, Sir Nigel, I must crave " At this instant, however, a startled shout rang out from two seamen upon the forecastle.

Marks knew that if he could bring the most abandoned scapegrace along in his studies so that he could spend a year with Miss Georgiana Shipman, in nine cases out of ten these hard-to-manage boys would be saved to the school. Sometimes they graduated at the very top of their classes.

He was a fine honest-looking burly fellow, dressed in blue from head to heel. He might have sat for a portrait of Chaucer's shipman, as far as his hue and the first look of him went.

The national spirit of enterprise was not dead in any class, from knight to shipman; and faithfulness and chastity in woman were still esteemed the highest though not the universal virtues of her sex. The value of such evidence as the mind of a great poet speaking in his works furnishes for a knowledge of the times to which he belongs is inestimable.

Shipman very suddenly paused, and his face became very pale. With a hasty word of excuse he unceremoniously left the room, and the detective heard him running quickly upstairs. "Less than two minutes later Mr. Shipman returned. There was no need for him to speak; both the detective and the inspector guessed the truth in a moment by the look upon his face. "'The diamonds! he gasped.

Shipman mostly. Then I had some very good Cape diamonds all gone; and some quite special Parisians, of wonderful work and finish, entrusted to me for sale by a great French house. I tell you, sir, my loss will be nearly £10,000 altogether. I sell on commission, and, of course, have to make good the loss.