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Ef you'll des say de word, I kin turn you ter w'ateber you wanter be, en you kin stay right whar you wanter, ez long ez you mineter. "Sandy say he doan keer; he's will-in' fer ter do anythin' fer ter stay close ter Tenie. Den Tenie ax 'im ef he doan wanter be turnt inter a rabbit. "Sandy say, 'No, de dogs mought git atter me. "'Shill I turn you ter a wolf? sez Tenie.

Ham wus ther Nigger boy in ther family, and we uns air carin out ther edicts of ther scripter when we try ter keep the Nigger cussed. Sarvant ov sarvants shill he be, an we air " "Hol on, Teck Pervis," exclaimed his wife. "Let me git in er word kinder catiwompus like et leas. Now we air all ther time er lookin fer scripter ter back us up in our devalmint.

"I shill be honored, ma'am," assented Sandy, with a bow even deeper than his master's, "only I'm 'feared I ain't rightly dressed fer ter wait on table. I wuz only goin' ter pra'r-meetin', an' so I didn' put on my bes' clo's. Ef Mis' Ochiltree ain' gwine ter need me fer de nex' fifteen minutes, I kin ride back home in de ca'ige an' dress myse'f suitable fer de occasion, suh."

"What is that, my friend?" inquired Don Antonio. "Sell a shill, to be sure I'll thocht everybody know that," said Donald, a good deal surprised at the other's ignorance. "Shill? shill?" repeated the Spaniard "and pray, my friend, what is a shill?" "Cot pless me! don't you'll know what a shill is?" rejoined Donald, with increased amazement.

The shill led the way to an eight-foot tower mounted on gimbals. Two perspiring men in trade-class pullovers gripped two of the levers that controlled the tilt of the tower. A white ball lay in a hollow in the thick glass platform at the top. From the center, an intricate pattern of grooves led out to the edge of the glass. Retief and Magnan took chairs before the two free levers.

"Plato," remarked Tryon impressively, as they drove into the town, "do you think you could keep a secret?" "Yas, Mars Geo'ge, ef you says I shill." "Do you see this fifty-cent piece?" Tryon displayed a small piece of paper money, crisp and green in its newness. "Yas, Mars Geo'ge," replied Plato, fixing his eyes respectfully on the government's promise to pay. Fifty cents was a large sum of money.

"'No, eve'ybody's skeered er a wolf, en I doan want nobody ter be skeered er me. "'Shill I turn yer ter a mawkin'-bird? "'No, a hawk mout ketch me. I wanter be turnt inter sump'n w'at'll stay in one place. "'I kin turn yer ter a tree, sez Tenie. 'You won't hab no mouf ner years, but I kin turn yer back oncet in a w'ile, so yer kin git sump'n ter eat, en hear w'at's gwine on.

I'm not askin' YOU, Colonel Clark, nor no other man, when I shill speak. I talks whenever I gits ready, an' I shoots jes' the same way. So ye'd better go on 'bout yer business like a white man! Close up yer own whopper jawed mouth, ef ye want anything shet up!" "Oho! is that you, Jazon? You're so little I didn't know you!