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Nothing, for instance, could surpass the boldness of Defoe's plan for directing public attention to his narrative of the robberies and escapes of Jack Sheppard. He seems to have taken a particular interest in this daring gaol-breaker. Mr. Lee, in fact, finds evidence that he had gained Sheppard's affectionate esteem. He certainly turned his acquaintance to admirable account.

Sheppard's dress extremely neat and clean, but simply fashioned, and of the plainest and most unpretending material, offered nothing assailable; and her demeanour was so humble, and her looks so modest, that if she had been ill-looking she might, possibly, have escaped the shafts of malice preparing to be levelled against her.

His father was one of my old customers, and I am happy to find his son treading in his steps. He couldn't be in better hands than those in which he has placed himself. Gentlemen, Mr. Sheppard's good health, and success to him!"

Had I not known that you and your affianced bride are dearer to him than life I should have used this money to secure my own safety. Take it, and take the estates, in Captain Sheppard's name. Promise me one thing before I leave you." "What is it?" asked Thames. "If the Captain is taken to Tyburn, be near the place of execution at the end of the Edgeware Road." "I will."

And, as the weights were removed, he fainted. How Jack Sheppard's Portrait was painted.

From the sitting-room came excited whispers, a joyous cry from Betty, and a faint voice. Then heavy, hurrying footsteps, followed by Sheppard's words of thanks-giving. "Where's Wetzel?" began Colonel Zane. The borderman shook his head gloomily. "Where did you leave him?" "We jumped Legget's bunch last night, when the moon was about an hour high. I reckon about fifteen miles northeast.

This concession was made by William Macdougall, one of the secretaries and chief figures of the convention, who said that he had been much impressed by Sheppard's eloquence and logic. The creation of a powerful, elaborate and expensive central government such as now exists did not form part of the plans of the Liberals either in Upper or Lower Canada at that time.

White as snow, Sheppard backed against the wall; but did not take the drink. The sailor had the floor; no one save him spoke a word. The action had been so rapid that there had hardly been time. Colonel Zane and Silas were as quiet and tense as the borderman. "Drink!" hoarsely cried the sailor, advancing his knife toward Sheppard's body.

Sheppard's weight had destroyed the equilibrium of the plank: it swerved, and slowly descended. Losing his presence of mind, Jack quitted his hold, and dropped upon the frame. The plank hung over his head. A moment more and he would have been crushed beneath the ponderous board, when a slight but strong arm arrested its descent. "Get from under it, Jack!" vociferated Thames.

After Fearne, take up Sheppard's Touchstone of Common Assurances a work generally supposed to have been written by Mr. Justice Doddridge, and not by William Sheppard, whose name it bears. It is a most valuable book, one of the most esteemed and authoritative of the old treatises. There is an edition by Mr. Preston, but I do not recommend it.