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Are they supposed to be scrapping like the gods in Homer English Saint George against German Saint Michael and so on? But my friend did not seem very keen about either Homer or hagiology. He explained that he was a C.M.S. man, and not a medievalist. The discussion languished, ere he murmured 'Good night. I slept rather fitfully. I was awake long before the ship moved away on her fierce errand.

I'm figuring on seeing some first-rate scrapping. How long have you been in the army?" "Year ago last April. I've had hard luck about getting over. They kept me jumping about to train men." "Then yours is all to come. Are you a college graduate?" "No. I went away to school, but I didn't finish."

"Say, that sure was a hell of a trick of his using Windy's horse while the two of them were scrapping trying to frame it up on him!" "Eyah," soliliquised the sergeant sagely. "'Twill all come out in th' wash. Whin cliver, edjucated knockabouts like Gully du go bad; begob, they make th' very wurrst kind av criminals.

You've had your fun, and you meant to have your fun. And I mean to make an example of you, Sir." "Ginger beer," said the little man with the beard, in a confidential tone to the velveteen jacket, "is regular up this 'ot weather. Bustin' its bottles it is everywhere." "What's the good of scrapping about in a public-house?" said Charlie, appealing to the company.

They are bound to be improved, at a great pace. The method of using them will change very rapidly. Any added invention will necessitate the scrapping of old types and the production of the new patterns in quantity.

Blunt, the swart artist in scrapping, having first let Denton grasp the bearing of his lesson, intervened, not without a certain quality of patronage. "Drop 'is 'air, Whitey, and let the man be," said his gross voice through a shower of indignities. "Can't you see 'e don't know 'ow to scrap?"

Doubtless he's covered not a few people's heads in this day of battle, not all of them on the one side. It's likely enough he has unearthly notions about war, as he's an unearthly being. Perhaps the dragon he makes war on, war to the death, is neither England nor Germany, but just the scrapping between them. 'What do you mean? I asked, rather puzzled.

"We were all scrapping away as hard as we could one afternoon, and nearly a dozen of us got the knock, all at the same time. It's quite all right now, though, except for the stiffness. It was the gas did me in.... What a fellow Sandy is! You people must be starving." They waited for another five minutes. Then Holderness limped towards the stairs with a little imprecation. Lutchester stopped him.

"Can't you see Matt?" he cried hilariously. "Having supper with a massive actress!" He slapped his thighs delightedly. "Matt swilling ginger ale and saying, 'You're 's' dev'lish fine womansh. ... No, don't start scrapping, Matt; I've just put on a clean collar ... and it's got to last.... All right pax, then." "Well," said Matthews, when peace was restored. "What's everyone else going to do?

"We'll trim you now, Freshie!" "You potato-masher!" "Go for his wind!" Fighting and wrestling with all his might Ken went down under a half dozen sophomores. Then Dale was astride his chest, and others were sitting on his hands and feet. "Boys, don't hurt that arm!" yelled Worry Arthurs. "Ward, will you be good now and stop scrapping or shall we tie you?" asked Dale. "You can't get away.