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It was probably the introduction of the Schipperke to England that induced Belgian owners to pay greater attention to careful breeding, and a club was started in 1888 in Brussels, whose members, after "long and earnest consideration," settled a description and standard of points for the breed. Hubert Schipperke Club.

It was that of "mine own people" on the side of the schipperke dog machine-gun battery which I had seen in the streets of Haelen, and the peasant woman who shook her fist at the invader, and all who had the schipperke spirit.

Bernard or a Great Dane galumphing about a small house is an inconvenience, and sporting dogs which require constant exercise and freedom are not suited to the confined life of a Bloomsbury flat. Nor are the long-haired breeds at their best draggling round in the wet, muddy streets of a city. For town life the clean-legged Terrier, the Bulldog, the Pug, and the Schipperke are to be preferred.

The Schipperke's disposition is most affectionate, tinged with a good deal of jealousy, and even when made one of the household he generally attaches himself more particularly to one person, whom he "owns," and whose protection he deems his special duty. These qualities endear the Schipperke as a canine companion, with a quaint and lovable character; and he is also a capital vermin dog.

The Schipperke may fitly be described as the Paul Pry of canine society. His insatiate inquisitiveness induces him to poke his nose into everything; every strange object excites his curiosity, and he will, if possible, look behind it; the slightest noise arouses his attention, and he wants to investigate its cause.

"A small black dog, something like a schipperke?" asked Comus in a low voice. "Yes, that was it." "I saw it myself to-night; it ran from behind my chair just as I was sitting down. Don't say anything to the others about it; it would frighten my mother." "Have you ever seen it before?" Lady Veula asked quickly. "Once, when I was six years old. It followed my father downstairs."

Further, it is only necessary to remark that the Schipperke is a dog of quality, of distinct characteristics, cobby in appearance, not long in the back, nor high on the leg; the muzzle must not be weak and thin, nor short and blunt; and, finally, he is not a prick-eared, black wire-haired terrier.

"We had a dog who was a bore and knew it," he said, addressing her in cool, easy tones. "He was a Skye terrier, one of those long chaps, with little feet poking out from their hair like like caterpillars no, like sofas I should say. Well, we had another dog at the same time, a black brisk animal a Schipperke, I think, you call them. You can't imagine a greater contrast.

Van Buggenhoudt made in the archives of Flemish towns, which contain records of the breed going back in pure type over a hundred years. The first Schipperke which appeared at a show in this country was Mr. Berrie's Flo. This was, however, such a mediocre specimen that it did not appeal to the taste of the English dog-loving public. In 1888 Dr. Seelig brought over Skip, Drieske, and Mia.

The Skye so slow and deliberate, looking up at you like some old gentleman in the club, as much as to say, 'You don't really mean it, do you? and the Schipperke as quick as a knife. I liked the Skye best, I must confess. There was something pathetic about him." The story seemed to have no climax. "What happened to him?" Rachel asked.