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Many parents are in the habit of scaring their children. If the little ones cry or disobey, they are told that the boogy-man is coming after them, or they are threatened with being put out into the dark, or perhaps some animal or bad person is coming to get them. Fear is injurious to everybody, being ruinous to both the body and the mind, and it is especially bad for growing children.

"Whenever there is a mystery the press always gives us the credit for the possession of a clue. In that way they very often succeed in scaring our game away altogether. I don't say that the papers are useless to us, but they do more harm than good." All the same, Field was not quite at a loss to know what to do.

"I'll plan this out and find some way to deal with the wretch; but I wouldn't say anything to Hutchins. She's a nice little thing, though she is a fool about a motor boat. There's no case in scaring her." For some reason or other, however, Hutchins was out of spirits that night. "I hope you're not sick, Hutchins?" said Tish. "No, indeed, Miss Tish." "You're not eating your fish."

Then with a whizz and a clink of ice, as the runners of the boat scraped big chips from the frozen lake, the skimming boat shot past Nan and Bert, not doing a bit of harm, but scaring all five children very much. "Sorry! Didn't see you! Next time " This was what the man in the ice-boat shouted as he whizzed by.

There were also a block and a coffin covered with broadcloth. In Panna Maryia's tower, the bells were ringing, filling the town with metallic sounds and scaring the flocks of doves and jackdaws. The people looked at the scaffold, and at the executioner's sword protruding from it and shining in the sun. They also looked at the knights, on whom the burghers always gazed with respect and eagerness.

"And you can tell your friends, if you got any," fulminated the vice-consul, "that this place isn't." He broke off short in mid-word; the rigid and imperative arm with which he still pointed to the door lost its stiffening; he made a snatch at his sliding glasses, saved them, and stood scaring. Waters turned his head to look likewise.

Are you aware of the things that can happen to you if you allow the red corpuscles of your blood to become devitalised? I had a friend . . ." "Stop! You're scaring me to death!" Uncle Chris gave his mustache a satisfied twirl. "Just what I meant to do, my dear. And, when I had scared you sufficiently you wouldn't wait for the story of my consumptive friend! Pity! It's one of my best!

I'm sick of the hull damn round of life," he said, despondently. "Josiah Pott! How you do talk! What do you mean by it, anyhow?" "Purty much as I say. I'm always bungling things of late. I well " "Now, you set down in that chair, and stop staring at me for all the world like an old wood-owl, 'most scaring the wits out of me. One would think you'd gone clean out of your head.

To eat dog is dangerous for a woman, as causing increased birth-pangs; that suggests dog must be rather good eating, some epicure wirreenun scaring women off it by making that assertion. Ant larv', a special gift from some spirit in the stars, and frogs, are also thought good by camp epicures. The blacks smear themselves over with the fat of fish or of almost any game they catch.

She saw the children of the settlement, on the grassy margin of the street, or at the domestic thresholds, disporting themselves in such grim fashion as the Puritanic nurture would permit; playing at going to church, perchance; or at scourging Quakers; or taking scalps in a sham-fight with the Indians; or scaring one another with freaks of imitative witchcraft.