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The old man laughed all over his face when he saw us, and the girls couldn't do enough for us when they heard we'd had scarce a morsel to eat or drink that day. 'Why, you're looking first-rate, Captain! says Bella. 'Dick, I hardly knowed ye the mountain air seems to agree with you. Maddie and I thought you was never going to look in no more. Thought you'd clean forgot us didn't we, Mad?

Still, if she should be the one I could feel the panicky shivers chasin' up and down my backbone just at the thought. I expect my voice wavered a little as I put the question. "Say," says I, "you don't happen to be Bonnie Sutton, do you?" That got a laugh out of her. It's no throaty, old-hen cackle, either. It's clear and trilly. "Thank you, Torchy," says she. "You've guessed it.

Not with the sword or the might of great power is the triumph won, says Sandro to us by this picture, but by the little hand of the Christ Child, conquering by love and drawing all men to Him. This Adoration of the Magi is in our own National Gallery in London, and is the only painting which Botticelli ever signed.

'Having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself, says the authorized version; 'Having foreordained us unto adoption as sons through Jesus Christ unto himself, says the revised and I see little to choose between them: neither gives the meaning of St. Paul.

"It is impossible, my dear," says she, "to describe their fondness for their uncle, which is to me an incontestible sign of a parent's goodness." In this manner she ran on for several minutes, concluding at last, that it was pity so very few had such generous minds joined to immense fortunes.

"Is that so?" says the patient, in an agony of fear. "What can I do about it, doctor?" "Well," says the doctor, "I want you to keep very quiet; you'll have to go to bed and stay there and keep quiet."

Well, whin Tim Donovan heard that, an' actially seen that it was Bill himself that was in it, he had not strength enough to let a bawl out iv him, but he dhropt the candle out iv his hand, an' down wid himself on his back in the dark. Well, the wife let a screech you'd hear at the mill iv Killraghlin, an' 'Oh, says she, 'the spirit has him, body an' bones! says she. 'Oh, holy St.

And I was there one morning, early it was, when the charwoman she says to me, 'I wish you'd take these two or three hearthrugs, she says, 'and give 'em a good beating, she says. And me being always a ready one to oblige, 'All right! I says, and takes 'em. 'Here's something to wallop 'em with, she says, and pulls that there old stick out of a lot that was in a stand in a corner of the lobby.

"Why, sir, the things must be worth a little fortune!" says Parson Sampson, casting an eye of covetousness on the two morocco boxes, in which, on their white satin cushions, reposed Mr. Sparks's golden gewgaws. "They cost some money, Sampson," says the young man. "Not that I would grudge ten times the amount to people who have been kind to me."

"'Sufferin' cats! says I. 'Then is every play I make henceforth and forever, amen to be gaumed up by a mess of hirelin' bandogs? Persecutin' Stan was all very well but if they take to molesting me any, it's going to make my blood fairly boil! Is some one going to draw down wages for makin' me mizzable all the rest of my whole life? 'No such luck, says Petey.