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Miss Burney says she is a great performer; and I respect the wench for getting her living so prettily; she is very modest and pretty-mannered, and not seventeen years old. 'You live in a fine whirl indeed; if I did not write regularly you would half forget me, and that would be very wrong, for I felt my regard for you in my face last night, when the criticisms were going on.

I must be everything that's good, because he says so. And you can see what kind of people they are what they think of him and what they imagine about me what they think I must be for him to love me. I don't mean they're prigs they aren't a bit. It's just their life coming out, quite naturally.

Somehow, I was enjoyin' watchin' Auntie squirm. My mistake was in forgettin' that Vee was fidgety, too. No sooner has Auntie left the room, to send Helma scoutin' down to the front door, than I'm reminded. "Ouch!" says I. Vee sure can pinch when she tries. I decides to report. "Oh; by the way," says I, as Auntie comes back, "I just ran across Mr. Creighton." "Yes?" says Auntie eager.

It is in connection with the rapid improvement of labor saving agricultural machinery, which, as Josiah Strong says, will soon enable a few farmers to do all the farm work, forcing all other agriculturalists to seek employment in manufacturing cities. How can you answer that argument, from the co-operative standpoint?"

Wherefore this faith is that which here distinguisheth them that shall be saved from them that shall be damned. And here let Christians warily distinguish betwixt the meritorious and the instrumental cause of their justification. "Redeemed," says Peter, "not with corruptible things, as silver and gold," alluding to the redemption of money under the law, "but with the precious blood of Christ."

Certain, too, it is said to be that this incident is taken directly from Miss Bronté's own experience. A writer in "Macmillan" says, "During one of the long holidays, when her mind was restless and disturbed, she found sympathy, if not peace, in the counsels of a priest in the confessional, who pitied and soothed her troubled spirit without attempting to enmesh it in the folds of Romanism."

Six or seven years ago, I opened a book which I found on the central table of the house's parlor in which I lodged. The reverend says in his book that the pope received him kindly, and during the long conversation he had with him, that very head of the catholic religion, praised America, which is to say his country, because the american people tolerated the catholic religion.

Snagsby is as quiet a manager as he. Jo is very glad to see his old friend and says, when they are left alone, that he takes it uncommon kind as Mr. Sangsby should come so far out of his way on accounts of sich as him. Mr. Snagsby, touched by the spectacle before him, immediately lays upon the table half a crown, that magic balsam of his for all kinds of wounds.

Gordon says, "Every honest man lives under the shadow of his own rebuke."