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It was one late afternoon in September, when the sun was slowly going down its western way, that Lady Florence, who had been all that morning in her own room, paying off, as she said, the dull arrears of correspondence, rather on Lord Saxingham's account than her own; for he punctiliously exacted from her the most scrupulous attention to cousins fifty times removed, provided they were rich, clever, well off, or in any way of consequence: it was one afternoon that, relieved from these avocations, Lady Florence strolled through the grounds with Cleveland.

While gradually, however, his spirit recovered its usual elasticity, he came in the vicinity of Lord Saxingham's house, and suddenly, by a corner of the street, his arm was seized: to his inexpressible astonishment he recognised in the muffled figure that accosted him the form of Florence Lascelles. "Good heavens!" he cried, "is it possible?

To the last she could endure love and hope. One day when Maltravers left his post, she besought him, with more solemnity than usual, to return that evening. She fixed the precise hour, and she sighed heavily when he departed. Maltravers paused in the hall to speak to the physician, who was just quitting Lord Saxingham's library.

Cesarini was about to reply, when a servant on horseback abruptly turned the corner, almost at full speed. He pulled in his eye fell upon Lumley he dismounted. "Oh, Mr. Ferrers," said the man breathlessly, "I have been to your house; they told me I might find you at Lord Saxingham's I was just going there " "Well, well, what is the matter?" "My poor master, sir my lord, I mean " "What of him?"

These things are in the Future. Ib. 1333. * "There the action lies In its true nature * What then? What rests? Try what repentance can!" Hamlet. "I doubt he will be dead or ere I come." King John. IT was a fine afternoon in December, when Lumley Ferrers turned from Lord Saxingham's door. The knockers were muffled the windows on the third story were partially closed.

IT was a fine afternoon in December, when Lumley Ferrers turned from Lord Saxingham's door. The knockers were muffled the windows on the third story were partially closed. There was sickness in that house. Lumley's face was unusually grave; it was even sad. "So young so beautiful," he muttered.

On the night of his election he went to Lord Saxingham's; but what there happened deserves another chapter. "Je connois des princes du sang, des princes etrangers, des grands seigneurs, des ministres d'etat, des magistrats, et des philosophes qui fileroient pour l'amour de vous. En pouvez-vous demander davantage?"* /Lettres de Madame de Sevigne/

Cesarini was about to reply, when a servant on horseback abruptly turned the corner, almost at full speed. He pulled in his eye fell upon Lumley he dismounted. "Oh, Mr. Ferrers," said the man breathlessly, "I have been to your house; they told me I might find you at Lord Saxingham's I was just going there " "Well, well, what is the matter?" "My poor master, sir my lord, I mean " "What of him?"

It would have been amusing to witness the short conversation between Lord Saxingham and Maltravers, when the latter sought the earl at night in his lordship's room. To Lord Saxingham's surprise, not a word did Maltravers utter of his own subordinate pretensions to Lady Florence's hand.

It would have been amusing to witness the short conversation between Lord Saxingham and Maltravers, when the latter sought the earl at night in his lordship's room. To Lord Saxingham's surprise, not a word did Maltravers utter of his own subordinate pretensions to Lady Florence's hand.