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Bai-ey Je-ove! there's Lizzie Dangler. Who's that man she's got in tow, ah?" "Hang Lizzie Dangler!" I exclaimed, impatiently. "Can't you answer a question for once in your life did you see them, or not?" "Weally, Lorton," said he, in quite an imploring way, "you needn't get angwy with a fellah, because he can't tell you what you want to know, you know! It's weally too hot for that sawt of thing.

Then ey ha' taen sawt weter, and put it in a bottle wi' three rusty nails, needles, and pins, boh ey hanna found that th' witch ha' suffered thereby.

"See that second man on the left?" whispered Captain Shotwell to an old army friend from Charleston; "that handsome felleh with the wavy auburn hair, soft mustache, and big, sawt o' pawnderin' eyes?" "What! that the Governor? He can't be over thirty or thirty-one!" "Governor, no! he wouldn't take the governorship; that's Jeff-Jack Ravenel, editor of the Courier, a-ablest man in Dixie.

I'm a man o' rich an' abundant natu'e an' ought to a-got a spouse consistent with my joys an' destinies. I may have to make a sawt o' Emp'ess Josephine o' her ef she lives. "Y'ought to see the nex' one! Seh? Engaged? No, not yit; she as shy as a crow an' ezac'ly the same colo'! I'm done with light-complected women, seh. But y'ought to see this-yeh one! Shy as a pa't'idge! But I'm hot on her trail.

The negro tittered: "Oh, as to dat, I don't 'spute but yone is betteh." The master heaved a comforted sigh. The servant tittered again, but suddenly again was grave. "I on'y wish to Gawd," he slowly said, "dat de next time you an' him meet " "Well next time we meet what then?" "Dat you bofe be in de same sawt o' clo'es like you got on now."

If there's one thing I nevah could beah, it was for you to think I was a coward, and I can't have you thinking it now. It's a sawt of tryst I've kept all these yeahs, unconsciously, I suppose. Ever since I was a little thing, if I thought 'Bobby expects it of me, I'd do it, no mattah what it was, from jumping a fence to climbing on the chimney.

He asked the maid near by if she thought his father would be home soon. She "reckoned so." "I wish he would be home in a hour," he mused, aloud. "I wish he would be on the mountain road right now." When he stepped down and started away she crouched before him. "Whah you bound fuh, ole gen'leman, lookin' so sawt o' funny-sad?" "I dunno." "W'at you gwine do, boss?" "I dunno."

Sigsbee relative to the mattah. He hands me a letter, but I can't hardly read it his buyin' this hop-head gets my goat. "'What you goin' to do with him? I says. 'Race him? "'That is ma intention, suh, he says. 'Ah expect to keep him in yoh hands. But, of co'se, suh, the hawss will race on his merits and without any sawt of stimulant. "I ain't stuck on the proposition.

Virginia had a bright idea, and she advanced it without examining too closely into its ethical part. "Mr. Winton is working for wages, isn't he?" she asked. "Of cou'se; big money, at that. His sawt come high." "Well, why can't you hire him away from the other people? Mr. Callowell might not be so fortunate next time." The Rajah sat back in his chair and regarded her thoughtfully.

Lloyd did not take any. Her hands were already filled with a huge bouquet of red roses. "Sylvia asked me to carry these," she explained to Miles Bradford, "and to weah a white dress and this hat with the red roses on it. Because I was maid of honah at Eugenia's wedding she seems to think I can reflect some sawt of glory on hers. She said she wanted all her young ladies to weah white."