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I should have been a sailor bold, and sailed the "sawt, sawt faeme," a pirate with a pirate's bride captured vi et armis, and all the rest of it. I am up late again to-night, but, fortunately, there wasn't a soul on deck to hear me trying to sing "Up, up with the flag; let it wave o'er the sea, I'm afloat, I'm afloat, and the Rover is free!"

The ole 'Squieh, he married a Jasper, an' thass how come the Tombses is remotely alloyed to the Mahches on the late Jedge's side, an' to you, Miss Barb, on Miss Rose's Montgomery side, an' in these times, when cooks is sca'ce an' butlehs is yit mo' so, it seem to me it seem to me, Miss Fannie, like yo' letteh was a sawt o' sawt o' " "Macedonian cry," said Fannie.

Afterward it was the cause of our forming another club that we called the 'Ordah of Hildegarde. I'll give you a sawt of an outline now, if you'll promise to read the entiah thing aftahward." "I'll promise," agreed Phil. "Then, this is it.

I ain' ax um no questions, 'cause thuh's somethin' 'bout um makes me feel's if I ain' got no right to look at um even." The porter thought a moment. "I don' believe it'll do yuh any good, suh, to try to shine up to tha' young lady. She ain' the sawt, I can tell yuh that. I done see too many guhls in ma time " "What are you talking about? I'm not trying to shine up to her.

By Jeove, I didn't think the young dog had it in him, really. He did one fellow up with a bucket, they say, and met the other fellow with his left. Where did the young beggah get his science?" "At college, I suppose." "But I suppeosed these little Western colleges were a milk-and-wahta sawt of thing, ye kneow Baptist and Christian Endeavor, and all that, ye kneow." "Oh, no," laughed the Major.

Ey ha' followed th' owd witch whoam, plucked a hontle o' thatch fro' her roof, sprinklet it wi' sawt an weter, burnt it an' buried th' ess at th' change o' t' moon. No use, mesters. Then again, ey ha' getten a horseshoe, heated it redhot, quenched it i' brine, an' nailed it to t' threshold wi' three nails, heel uppard. No more use nor t'other.

"Bai-ey Je-ove!" exclaimed Horner, twisting his eye-glass round and making an observation for the first time the discussion before had been apparently beyond his depth, "Bai-ey Je-ove! Ju-ust what I was gaw-ing to say! Bai-ey Je-ove, yaas! But Miss Spight is much above human emawtion, you know, and all that sawt of thing, you know-ah!"

I felt resentful from the moment the gong rang for us to stah't. It had such a bossy, tyrannical sawt of sound." "You'll not find it that way at Warwick Hall," was the emphatic answer. "There are bells for rising and chapel and meals, but the signal for exercise is a hunter's horn, blown on the upper terrace.

"Ah," said I, "he got that by letting other people's business alone!" "Bai-ey Je-ove!" said Horner, quite staggered at this second blow. "Vewy amusing anecdote, indeed! Thank you, Lorton. Much obwiged, and all that sawt of thing, for the in-fawmation. Yaas, bai-ey Je-ove! And so I'll say good day.