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The other man, though silhouetted against the glare of burning pine-knots, I knew to be white by the flapping of his lank locks about his cheeks as he lent his eyes to the improvisation of his steps. His partner was a young black girl. I burned with scorn, and doubtless showed it, although I only asked whose plantation this was. "This-yeh pla-ace?"

The rustic dragged his words lazily, chewed tobacco with his whole face, and looked my uniform over from cap to spur. "They say this-yeh place belong to a man which his name Lu-ucius Ol-i-veh." So! I honestly wished myself back in my old rags, until I reflected that my handsome mount was enough to get me all the damage these wretches could offer.

I'm a man o' rich an' abundant natu'e an' ought to a-got a spouse consistent with my joys an' destinies. I may have to make a sawt o' Emp'ess Josephine o' her ef she lives. "Y'ought to see the nex' one! Seh? Engaged? No, not yit; she as shy as a crow an' ezac'ly the same colo'! I'm done with light-complected women, seh. But y'ought to see this-yeh one! Shy as a pa't'idge! But I'm hot on her trail.

"The Lieutenant," she said, "writes in this-yeh note that this-yeh place won't be safe f'om the Yankees much longer'n to-day, and fo' us to send the wounded lady in the avalanch. Which she says, her own self, it'd go rough with her to fall into they hands again. My married daughter she's a-goin' with her, and the'd ought to be a Mr. Sm' oh, my Lawdy! you ain't reg-lahly in the ahmy, air you?"

You ain't so pow'ful long nor so pow'ful slim, but these-yeh gov'ment contrac's they seldom ev' allow fo' anybody so slim in the waist bein' so long in the, eh, so, eh, so long f'om thah down. But yet still, if you'll jest light off yo' hoss and come and look into this-yeh box " Hmm! yes! I wouldn't have got off my horse and leaned over that box to save the Confederacy.

They scrambled to the sides of the road and stormed us with questions, chaffing us cruelly when I remained silent. "Lawd! look a' this-yeh Yank a-bringin' in ow desertehs!" "Hey, you big Yank, you jest let that po' little conscrip' go!" Headquarters, we heard from a courier who said he was the third sent out to find us, were at the "Sessions house" two miles further on.