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All the metaphors and similes applied to his Excellency, Padre Irene, and Padre Salvi would exactly fit the wounded friar and the description of the thief would serve for each of the outlaws.

"Be so good as to mention a few," he said, as we walked on. "You are not sure of her yourself," I began. "Never mind that go on with your analogy." "That's a part of it. You are very much in love with her." "That's a part of it too, I suppose?" "Yes, as I have told you before. You are in love with her, and yet you can't make her out; that's just where I was with regard to Madame de Salvi."

My companion admitted that he had heard her daughter say so. "After I knew her she married again," I added. "The Count Salvi died before I knew her a couple of years after their marriage." "Yes, I have heard that." "And what else have you heard?" My companion stared at me; he had evidently heard nothing. "She was a very interesting woman there are a great many things to be said about her.

Every sound but that of the Ave Maria dies away, becomes hushed. Nevertheless, the curate, without his hat, rushes across the street, to the scandalizing of many old women, and, greater scandal still, directs his steps toward the house of the alferez. The devout women then think it time to cease the movement of their lips in order to kiss the curate's hand, but Padre Salvi takes no notice of them.

Tio Quico threw back his head in his usual lively manner. "To the friars?" "Because you surely know," continued Camaroncocido, "that all this crowd was secured for them by the conventos." The fact was that the friars, headed by Padre Salvi, and some lay brethren captained by Don Custodio, had opposed such shows.

"Your Excellency's servant is in bed sick," added Padre Salvi humbly. "After having the pleasure of welcoming you and of informing ourselves concerning your Excellency's health, as is the duty of all good subjects of the King and of every person of culture, we have come in the name of the respected servant of your Excellency who has had the misfortune "

The truth was that Padre Irene, who was a melomaniac of the first degree and knew French well, had been sent to the theater by Padre Salvi as a sort of religious detective, or so at least he told the persons who recognized him.

Perhaps only the newspaper correspondent, who concluded his account of the fiesta and its accompanying incidents in the following manner: "A thousand thanks, infinite thanks, to the opportune and active intervention of the Very Reverend Padre Fray Bernardo Salvi, who, defying every danger in the midst of the unbridled mob, without hat or cane, calmed the wrath of the crowd, using only his persuasive word with the majesty and authority that are never lacking to a minister of a Religion of Peace.

The whole body of Tarsilo shrank. A groan, suppressed and prolonged, could be heard in spite of the rag which stopped up his mouth. He lowered his head. His clothes were being stained with blood. Father Salví, pale and with a wild look, rose to his feet laboriously, made a sign with his hand and left the sala with vacillating steps.

Obedient to her reputed father's command and influenced by her mysterious dread of Padre Salvi, Maria Clara consents to this arrangement, but becomes seriously ill, only to be saved by medicines sent secretly by Ibarra and clandestinely administered by a girl friend.