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"He is always on that subject; and, sacre bleu! when he was younger, I am told he was like Cacus, the son of Vulcan, and breathed nothing but flames." "You flatter me," said Hamilton. "Solve me now a knotty riddle, my Lord Bolingbroke. Why does a young man think it the greatest compliment to be thought wise, while an old man thinks it the greatest compliment to be told he has been foolish?"

"Sacré Dieu!" shouted Roberval; "you have ruined us all! Did I give you the fate you deserve, I would hang you as high as I did Bruneau yesterday! Take him below," exclaimed he to the men who stood by, "and keep him in irons for the rest of the voyage."

It must seem hard that, when the frost of old age comes on, she shall not have even a memory to look upon to warm her. But in the world here, such temptations to discontent abound; but the most guileless votary of the Sacré Coeur might confess regrets and misgivings like these without meriting any extra allowance of fast and scourge.

You don't always twig my meaning, Froissart, and sometimes your remarks are a bit foolish; but you mean well, and, for a Frenchman, are quite intelligent. I will say that for you, Froissart quite intelligent." "Sacré nom d'un chien " began Froissart hotly; but Dawson paid no heed.

M. le Comte, roused from fitful slumbers and trying to gather his wandering wits, put his head out of the window: "What is it, Pierre?" he called out loudly. "What has happened?" "It's this confounded ditch, M. le Comte," came in a gruff voice from out the darkness. "I didn't know the bridge had entirely broken down. This sacré government will not look after the roads properly."

Keep their hoofs away, Bobo, hold them still a moment while I raise one end." He knelt in the snow and peered eagerly beneath the sleigh. "Sacre ment!" cried the older man, "What is he after? Quick, on him, Pierre! Don't let him escape." The lackey moved cautiously forward, and then gave a sudden leap back as the boyish figure sprang to his feet, clasping a dark, oblong object in his arms.

I'll wager a horse to a horseshoe that you will find a body somewhere." He was obeyed, and presently a cry from one of the searchers announced a discovery. It was succeeded by another exclamation. "Sacre nom!" swore the trooper. "It is the Citizen-deputy!"

"That's it!" cried one of Levasseur's officers. And Cahusac added: "It's reasonable, that! Captain Blood is right. It is in the articles." "What is in the articles, you fools?" Levasseur was in danger of losing his head. "Sacre Dieu! Where do you suppose that I have twenty thousand pieces? My whole share of the prizes of this cruise does not come to half that sum.

And when Artabanus perceived that the plot laid against him was not to be avoided, because it was laid by the principal men, and those a great many in number, and that it would certainly take effect, when he had estimated the number of those that were truly faithful to him, as also of those who were already corrupted, but were deceitful in the kindness they professed to him, and were likely, upon trial, to go over to his enemies, he made his escape to the upper provinces, where he afterwards raised a great army out of the Dahae and Sacre, and fought with his enemies, and retained his principality.

She sighed and wondered whether she would like it, after all. "Here in England I can say 'damn' as often as I choose. I don't say it very often, but sometimes I feel I must say it or explode." "There are its equivalents in French," I suggested. She laughed outright. "Fancy my coming out with a sacre nom de Dieu in a French drawing-room!" "Fancy you shouting 'damn' in an English one."