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"I wish I could persuade you to come over the border to Arranstoun; it is only thirty-five miles from here, and really merits your attention." "I have heard it is a most interesting place," Sabine returned, suddenly experiencing the same wild delight in the game as she had done in the garden at Héronac. "Have you ghosts there? We do not have such things in France."

Italian grass is not turf; it is full of things, and they are chiefly aromatic. No richer scents throng each other, close and warm, than these from a little hand-space of the grass one rests on, within the walls or on the plain, or in the Sabine or the Alban hills.

Every moment Sabine was attracting him more deeply and bringing certain memories more vividly before him with maddening tantalization. But did she love Henry? Of that he could not be sure. If she did, he certainly must divorce her at once. If she did not why was she wishing to marry him?

Consultations being accordingly held, they named Numa Pompilius, of the Sabine race, a person of that high reputation for excellence, that, though he were not actually residing at Rome, yet he was no sooner nominated than accepted by the Sabines, with acclamation almost greater than that of the electors themselves.

I have been weak, too, and could not face the final wrench but I am determined at last to do what is straight, and to-morrow I will instruct my lawyers to begin proceedings, and I suppose in two months or less you will be free." Sabine grew white and cold her voice was hardly audible as she asked, looking up at him: "What made you come here to-night?"

She seemed to be absorbed in what she saw outside. "Good-night!" said Christophe, ill at ease. She did not turn her head, and said in a low voice: "Good-night." On Sundays the house was empty during the afternoon. The whole family went to church for Vespers. Sabine did not go.

So Sabine, sure of her betrayal, spent three hours with her son in her arms beside the fire in a way that surprised herself, when Gasselin, turned into a footman, came to say: "Madame is served." "Let monsieur know." "Monsieur does not dine at home, Madame la baronne."

Lassell Liverpool observatory The Hawthornes Shop-keepers and waiters Greenwich observatory Sir George Airy Visits to Greenwich Herr Struvé's mission to England Dinner party General Sabine Westminster Abbey Newton's monument British museum Four great men St. Paul's Dr. Johnson Opera Aylesbury Admiral Smyth's family Amateur astronomers Hartwell house Dr. Lee Cambridge Dr.

His early-wakened sensibility and reflectiveness had developed into a many-sided sympathy, which threatened to hinder any persistent course of action: as soon as he took up any antagonism, though only in thought, he seemed to himself like the Sabine warriors in the memorable story with nothing to meet his spear but flesh of his flesh, and objects that he loved.

At this juncture the Sabine women, from the outrage on whom the war originated, with hair dishevelled and garments rent, the timidity of their sex being overcome by such dreadful scenes, had the courage to throw themselves amid the flying weapons, and making a rush across, to part the incensed armies, and assuage their fury; imploring their fathers on the one side, their husbands on the other, "that as fathers-in-law and sons-in-law they would not contaminate each other with impious blood, nor stain their offspring with parricide, the one their grandchildren, the other their children.