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I pray for one of my own, for because the Sidi loves me, and did not love the boy's mother, he would care ten thousand times more for a child of mine. The wise woman says so, and I believe it. When thy sister is gone, I shall have a boy, and nothing left to wish for on earth. Send a message to thy lover, saying that the marabout's only son is at school in Oued Tolga, the city.

Farewell, my son, and, in the pilgrimage of life, reflect upon the dear-bought experience of SIDI NORMAN. What will we do with you, if God Should give you over to our hands, To pass in turn beneath the rod, And wear at last the captive's bands? 'What will we do? Our very best To make of each a glorious State, Worthy to match with North and West, Free, vigorous, beautiful and great!

"It seems to delight you to think that you are to leave Paris, and that we shall not see each other for months, perhaps. Tarzan, you are a most ungrateful beast!" and D'Arnot laughed. "No, Paul; I am a little child. I have a new toy, and I am tickled to death." And so it came that on the following day Tarzan left Paris en route for Marseilles and Oran. The Dancing Girl of Sidi Aissa

Forests of date-palm took definite shape; certain mosques, those of Sidi ben Yusuf and Bab Dukala, stood out clearly before us without the aid of glasses, but the Library mosque dominated the landscape by reason of the Kutubia tower by its side.

In the air was a scent of burnt grass and flowers a honey smell: every time a breeze came we were duly grateful. The mules clattered on over the stones until Sidi Moktar came in sight a saint-house of the deepest sanctity, near which a country market is held one day a week.

Few Jewesses care to leave their quarters by themselves, for fear of insult. No synagogues or public places of worship are allowed them, and they must address Moors as Sidi, or "My lord." But these customs are fast dying out.

Sidi Israel el Tetawani sitting here in the dark, while you are sleeping and snoring in your dirt." There was a whispered conference on the inside, then a rattle of keys, and then the gate groaned back on its hinges. At the next moment two of the four gatemen were on their knees at the feet of Israel's horse, asking forgiveness by grace of Allah and his Prophet.

I was sold at the Tuesday market of Sîdi bin Nûr to a dealer in slaves, whom I heard promise my master to keep me close for three months, and not to sell me in that place lest the Nazarenes should get word of it. Some time after I was bought by a tax-collector, with whom I remained till he died, and then lived in the house of his son.

Many of the slaves were ill-conditioned, and a great number of them women. In the rear came Sidi, Mahomed's servant, whom I remembered to have seen at the camp of Benowm: he presently knew me, and told me that these slaves were going to Morocco, by the way of Ludamar, and the Great Desert.

Truly the ways of your Bashadors are past belief." I agreed heartily with Sidi Boubikir; a day's discourse had not made clear any other aspect of the case. Al Koran; Sura 47, "Mohammed." The late Sir John Drummond Hay, whose name is honourably remembered to this day throughout the Moghreb.