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'Angela, I really must congratulate you; you will be quite a distinguished chef in time. "Sister Angela blushed with delight, saying, 'Yes, I made it yesterday, Mother; but, of course, Sister Rufina stood over me to see that I didn't forget anything. "'Ah, well, I don't think I cared very much for the flavouring, said Sister Barbara in pondering tones.

Evelyn wanted to understand what that meant, but Angela could not tell her, she could only repeat what Rufina had told her; and a look of reproval came into Veronica's face when Angela said that when Rufina was asked what her counterpart was like she said that it was like having something inside one, and that lately he seemed to be much in search of her mouth and tongue; and when she asked him what he was like he replied that he was all a kiss."

"One isn't responsible for one's dreams." "Is that so, Mother? But if one prays?" "But you don't pray for dreams?" "Not for the dream I had last night." "Well, for what did you pray? Praying for dreams, Cecilia, is entirely contrary to the rule, or to the spirit of the rule." "But Veronica, Angela, Rufina they all pray that their counterparts may visit them."

Two of them, Aurelia Severa and Pomponia Rufina, met a similar death, but Cannutia Crescentina threw herself from the top of the house. And in the case of adulterers he did the same. Though displeased at all good men, he affected to honor some few of them after their death. ¶Antoninus censured and rebuked them all because they asked nothing of him.

"I don't know anything about the choir sisters, but Rufina and Jerome have. Cecilia is too stupid, and no counterpart ever seems to come to her. Sister Angela has the most beautiful counterpart in the world, except mine!" And the girl's eyes lit up.

Above, in a transparent light, which grows from himself, the Child Jesus appears, and descends, floating through wreaths of angels, drawn down by the power of prayer. Another of Murillo's renowned pictures is that of the patron saints of Seville, 'Santa Rufina and Santa Justina, who were stoned to death for refusing to bow down to the image of Venus.

"Sister Teresa hasn't yet met a counterpart, but that is only because she doesn't wish for it; one must pray and meditate, otherwise one doesn't get one." And Evelyn learned how Rufina had waited a long time for her counterpart.

It would have been wiser if she had conducted her campaign as she intended to do, but the temptation was irresistible to point out, occasionally, that those who did not agree with her were the very nuns Angela, Veronica, Rufina, and one or two others who had confessed to the sin of praying for the visitations of counterparts during the hour of meditation and other hours.

"The sails were set and the strokes of the rowers carried the vessel into the deep. On the shore little Toxotius stretched forth his hands in entreaty, while Rufina, now grown up, with silent sobs besought her mother to wait until she should be married. But still Paula's eyes were dry as she turned them heavenwards, and she overcame her love for her children by her love for God.

"And Sister Rufina is making your wedding-cake. Mother Philippa has told her to put in as many raisins and currants as she pleases. Yours will be the richest cake we have ever had in the convent."