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As they wended their way from village to village, and town to town, over the old-fashioned turnpikes, Brutus entered one of the irritable phases of his life, during which, it is hardly necessary to say, the vigilant eye of Rounders was nearly always on the tamer in his management of the brute.

Rounders stamped his foot again and raised his whip; then Pompey jumped over his shoulder and up and down the ends of the car in the traditional fashion. The new tamer pulled open his jaws, lay down between his paws, and stood over him with a foot on his neck in sign of victory. After which he bowed and retired.

There are other and better ways to fight than with the fists, and I haven't forgotten any of you fellows there are a few more rounders among you " "Hey! You apologize fer that, by cripes, er I'll kill yuh the longest way I know. And that " Big Medicine again laid violent hands upon Dunk, "and that way won't feel good, now I'm tellin' yuh. Apologize, er "

"What's been done can be done again. Delilah wormed it out of Samson: why can't Sally Stubbs worm it out of Brinton?" "Cut off his hair, as the Bible woman did?" "That's too thin," said Rounders rashly, without fear of theological dogma. "That's allygory.

Afterwards the girls had rounders on the plain, playing with great zest. It was amusing to watch their different characters. Mary, intensely in earnest and galloping round at terrific speed; at the same time trying to keep every one else up to the mark; her face showing displeasure or amusement with lightning rapidity. Her sister Martha, very serious and looking rather harassed.

'Well, said I, 'the state of the case was this: during the whole time Rounders stayed with us, Isadore did not cook one particle of food for him. "'That was impossible, cried Anita. 'I noticed nothing of the kind, and, besides, Mr.

He made the acquaintance of all the rounders in the parish, and invited them down to the Farm, and went with them to dance halls and taverns. He quit work altogether, and drank himself full every day. In the space of two short months he became a poor drunken wretch. The first time Karin saw him in a state of intoxication she was horrified.

The schoolboys who played cricket and rounders in the summertime came out on a wintry afternoon to see their seniors engaged in Association football, and soon felt the desire creep over them to be members of a club containing lads like themselves. The young men engaged in the city all day thought on the health-imparting exercise it afforded, and had the necessary funds raised to form a club.

One day, to arouse him from his condition of indifference or latent kindness, Rounders introduced a stick under the bars to poke him up in a friendly way, touching him on his extended paws. The beast struck quickly, and almost caught his hand. As it was, one of his fingers was bruised by the blow. Brinton, unperceived by Rounders, had been standing behind him noting the incident.

The trick of pulling away the meat from under the jaws of Brutus was technically known under the canvas as the "meat-jerk." It continued to remain uppermost in the mind of the new keeper. The nomadic life had pleasures for Rounders, aside from the fascination of the "meat-jerk." He drove a gayly colored wagon in the caravan, as it moved through the country.