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'A London exclusive of the present day, continues our censor, 'is nothing more than a bad, flat, dull imitation of a French roue of the Regency, Both have in common selfishness, levity, boundless vanity, and an utter want of heart. But what a contrast if we look further!

Kennicott was upon his back, flapping his hands in the earnest effort to be a seal, thrilled by the strength with which his son kicked him. He slipped his arm about Carol's shoulder; he went down to supper rejoicing that he was cleansed of perilous stuff. While Carol was putting the baby to bed he sat on the front steps. Nat Hicks, tailor and roue, came to sit beside him.

As to this work see above, p. 125 note 1. Tessier, "Sur la fête annuelle de la roue flamboyante de la Saint-Jean,

He conversed in French, his dress was of French fashion, his mode of thought seemed French. Not that he was like the Frenchman of the present day, an animal, either rude or reserved; but your ideal of the marquis of the old regime, the roue of the Regency. Italian, however, he was, and of a race renowned in Italian history.

‘Dear Bluestocking, you really aremurmured the Gentle Lady. ‘Not at all; she’s perfectly sound,’ interposed the Weary Roué, gloating with ghoulish joy over the Good Stockbroker’s apparent discomfort.

"Newland, you really quite unman me, and you may now see a miracle," continued Carbonnell, as he pressed his hand to his eye, "the moisture of a tear on the cheek of a London roué, a man of the world, who has long lived for himself and for this world only. It never would be credited if asserted.

"The cause!" repeated he, his eyes kindling with passion. "Who was the bold libertine, before whose unlicensed gaze you blushed and trembled, not with indignation, such as a pure and innocent woman ought to feel; but with the bashful confusion the veteran roué delights to behold?

An unpleasant leer curled his thin lips, which a black mustache partially shaded, and he wore a profusion of jewels which was disgusting to one of his refined temperament. He could well understand that he was a wine merchant's son. He certainly gave evidence of his business, and that he had more money than good breeding. The word roué was stamped on his every feature.

"You are too young to have heard the story, Alice, but her grandmother a black-eyed Spanish lady of high rank was made quite unpleasantly notorious by her associations with a brother of Lady Henrietta Verdayne. He was an unprincipled roué this Lord Hubert Aldringham a libertine who openly boasted of the conquests he had made abroad.

Would it not be an awful thing for you to be struck with lightning some day when you had in your hand one of these paper-covered romances the hero a Parisian roué, the heroine an unprincipled flirt chapters in the book that you would not read to your children at the rate of $100 a line? Throw out all that stuff from your summer baggage.