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"To be sure Philip is brown and handsome and sturdy and very strong, but Ronador ah! there imperial distinction and poise are blended with as true a native grace as Sho-caw's " "Humor and resource are better things." "Sho-caw's grace is not so heavy as Ronador's and not so sprightly as Philip's " "It may be." "One may tell much by the color and expression of a man's eye.

So Ronador's father had come to the regency of the kingdom and Ronador himself and his little son had stood in the direct line of succession until the ghost arose from the candlestick and mocked them all. And she Diane was the child of Theodomir.

For every letter in the alphabet, four symbols had been used interchangeably but whether they pointed up or down or right or left, their significance was the same. There were no word divisions. When at last Ronador's frantic message to the Baron lay before him, Carl was grateful for the quiet monastery days in Houdania with Father Joda. They had given him an inkling of the language.

God willing, here is the perfect mate with whom I must go through life, hand in hand, if I am to live fully and die at the last having drained the cup of life to the bottom. If, knowing this, you can not trust me and will tell me so " But Ronador's eloquent voice rang again in the girl's ears. Her glance met Philip's inexorably. And there was something in her eyes that hurt him cruelly.

"It was necessary to end this romantic masquerade!" insisted Tregar. "Why are you here?" "I I came in a flash of panic. It seemed to me that after all I I could not trust to other hands when the dead thing stirred." Ronador's face was white and haggard. In that instant his forty-four years lay heavily upon his shoulders. "Have I ever misplaced your trust?" reminded Tregar sombrely.

Baron Tregar, baffling as he is at times, is not the man to lend himself to deliberate assassination merely to keep the succession of Ronador's son free from incumbrances.

He was Ronador's cousin, and his flight shifted the regency of the kingdom to Ronador's father." "Yes," said the girl steadily, "that is very clear." "Theodomir married and divorced your mother," said Philip gently. Diane grew very white. "And even yet," she said bravely, "I can not see why we must all be so worked up. There is more?" "Yes.

A hot appeal flashed in Ronador's eyes and eloquently again he fell to pleading. But Diane had caught the clatter of the music-machine up the road where Philip was good-humoredly unwinding the hullabaloo for a crowd of gleeful young darkies, and suddenly she turned very white and stern. "No! No!" she said. "It must be as I said."

"And," said he, "since unwisely, Miss Westfall, for eugenic reasons, we grant a certain freedom of marital choice to our princes since wisely or not as you will, the Salic Law does not, by an ancient precedent, obtain with us, and a woman may come in the line of succession, the danger to Ronador's little son, is, I think, apparent."

Piebald horse, broad, eccentric wagon, cymbals and drum there was no mistaking the outfit, nor the minstrel himself with his broad-brimmed sombrero tipped protectively over his nose. Now despite the fact that the Baron had hinted that Ronador's masquerade was at an end, the music-machine steadily approached and halted.