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As I was doing so a thought struck me, and I told Indaba-zimbi to run to the laager and see if he could find my double-barrelled gun and some powder and shot, for I had only my elephant "roer" and a few charges of powder and ball with me. He went, and while he was away, poor little Tota came to herself and began to cry, till she saw my face.

Ants abound in Norway, both in the forests and on the mountains. It is as good as weak vinegar. Tydder and roer are the cock and hen of the wild bird called in Scotland the capercailzie. The ryper is the ptarmigan. The jerper is of the grouse species. Lloyd's "Field Sports of the North of Europe."

He gazed upon the intruders with flaming eyes, as if very little would induce him to change the nature of his intended repast. "Reserve your fire, Hendrik!" exclaimed Willem as he brought the roer to his shoulder; "it may be needed." The leopard answered the report of the gun by making a somersault to the earth. There was no necessity for Hendrik to waste any ammunition upon him.

He nodded, then remembering that the charge and priming, of his flint-lock roer must be damp, hurriedly set to work by the help of Rachel to draw it with the screw on the end of his ramrod, and this done, to reload with some powder that he had already placed to dry on a flat stone near the fire. This operation took five minutes or more.

A leopard had pounced on one of them, and, as the others left the ground, the leopard was seen shouldering its victim with the intention to carry it off. As it turned side towards them, Willem fired, and the large heavy bullet from the roer went crashing through the creature's ribs. With a loud roar it sprang upwards; then, standing on its hind feet, it walked forward a few paces and fell.

Laying his roer athwart the loading-rod, and holding the long barrel steady against it, he took deliberate aim through the ivory sights. During all this time the lion had not stirred. The bush was between him and the hunter; but he could hardly have believed that it sufficed to conceal him. Far from it.

The hippopotamus killed by Groot Willem and Hans was a fine specimen, a bull full-grown and with teeth and tusks large and perfect. Measuring it with the barrel of his roer, Willem pronounced it to be sixteen feet in length; and he estimated its circumference around the body at but one foot less. Leaving it where it had fallen, they rode to another part of the lagoon.

It seemed hours before the moon rose. But at last it did rise. Then we started. In all we were about a hundred men, but we only mustered five guns between us, my elephant roer and four that had belonged to Mr. Carson. We gained the spot by the stream where Stella had been taken.

Have I not told you that you must never touch a gun?" and he pointed to Suzanne, who had picked up her father's roer for in those days, when we lived among so many Kaffirs, every man went armed and was playing at soldiers with it. "I was shooting buck and Kaffirs, papa," she said, obeying him with a pout. "Shooting Kaffirs, were you?

Hendrik and Arend, having heard the reports of the roer, feared that something might have gone wrong, and galloped forward, leaving Hans and Swartboy to bring up the pack-horses. They reached the scene just as the African, after having quenched his thirst, had returned to the tree where the young hunter and Congo had remained.