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Now I think you've consistently understated it. Short of actual sapience, I've never seen anything like them." "Why short of it?" van Riebeek asked. "Ruth, you've been pretty quiet this evening. What do you think?" Ruth Ortheris looked uncomfortable. "Gerd, it's too early to form opinions like that.

Rainsford looked puzzled, but he holstered his pistol and went back to his jeep, returning with a camera. Mallin began insisting that, as a licensed M.D., he had a right to treat Kellogg's injuries. Gerd van Riebeek followed him into the living hut for a first-aid kit.

"What's this nonsense?" he demanded angrily. "You're ordered to move. You want to know why? I can let Gerd van Riebeek talk to you; I think there are a few things he's forgotten to call you." "You can't order us out like this. Why, you gave us permission " "Permission cancelled. I've called Mike Hennen in Red Hill; he's sending his scows back for the stuff he brought here.

Gerd van Riebeek suggested that they were discussing the odd habits of human-type people. Juan Jimenez looked at him, slightly disturbed, as though wondering just how seriously he meant it. "You know, what impressed me most in the taped account was the incident of the damnthing," said Ruth Ortheris.

The two strangers a beefy man with a scrubby black mustache, and a smaller one with a thin, saturnine face were looking expectantly at Lunt. Rainsford and van Riebeek were on their feet. Gus Brannhard leaned over to refill his glass, but did not rise. "Let me have the papers," Lunt said to the beefy stranger. The other took a folded document and handed it over.

She can probably do as well with your Fuzzies as a regular xeno-psychologist." "Well, I have worked with extraterrestrials," the woman said. "I've been on Loki and Thor and Shesha." Jack nodded. "Been on the same planets myself. Are you people coming out here?" "Oh, yes," van Riebeek said. "We'll be out by noon tomorrow.

Out of the corner of his eye he could see Jimenez squirming as though afflicted with ants, van Riebeek getting his poker face battened down and Ben Rainsford suppressing a grin. "Some of us are out of screen range, and I'm sure you'll want to ask a lot of questions. Pardon us a moment, while we close in."

Lunt talked to van Riebeek when he had finished with Ruth, and then with Jimenez and Mallin and Kellogg. Then he and one of the men from Car Three came over to where Jack and Rainsford were standing. Gerd van Riebeek joined them just as Lunt was saying: "Jack, Kellogg's made a murder complaint against you. I told him it was self-defense, but he wouldn't listen.

Grego was apparently agreeable, as long as the job got done. "Well, if you can make anything out of it, pass it on to Mr. Coombes as soon as possible, to be worked up for use in court," he said. Ben Rainsford went back to Beta Continent, and Gerd van Riebeek remained in Mallorysport.

But this little fellow hasn't any relatives at all." "Yeek?" "And he couldn't care less, could he?" Van Riebeek pummeled Little Fuzzy gently. "One thing, you have the smallest humanoid known; that's one record you can claim. Oh-oh, what goes on?"