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What made England great was Protestantism, and when she ceases to be Protestant she will fall.... Look at the nations that have clung to Catholicism, starving moonlighters and starving brigands. The Protestant flag floats on every ocean breeze, the Catholic banner hangs limp in the incense silence of the Vatican. Let us be Protestant, and revere Cromwell. Garçon, un bock!

"Oh, I don't think there is any prospect of my giving up just yet." "No. I know your affection for him, and that it would keep you here until until you could not stay any longer; and it is this which I wish to avoid." "It is my duty," said Dudleigh. "He is one whom I revere more than any other man, and love as a father.

This was Gwynne's first intimation that she was aware of her lover's plan to return by the Paul Revere. He was distinctly annoyed by the discovery. Rachel was in her back yard, feeding the chickens, when he came up to the fence and waited for her to look in his direction.

The eye of Narra-mattah sought the countenance of her husband, as the eye of woman seeks instruction from the expression of features that she has been taught to revere; but still she spoke not. The innocent laid the patient babe at the feet of its mother, and imitated her reserve.

And lastly, the said undersigned doth honor the great college of Virginia, and revere the aristocracy, and respect entails, and spurn the common classes as becomes a gentleman and honest citizen; and in all other things doth conform himself to established rules, being convinced that whatever is, is right: and to the same hath set his hand, this twentieth day of May, in the year 1764."

"Say nothing, but meet him cordially; that will be explanation sufficient." "I shall meet him as one whom I shall always revere, and feel that I owe a deep debt of gratitude. What must he think of my not having called upon him?" "Nothing. You hold a place at court. You may not have known that he was in London, as you have never met him; your coming with me will make it appear so.

These men had been taught from infancy to revere, almost to worship, the holy places whereon their happy eyes were resting now. For many and many a year this very picture had visited their thoughts by day and floated through their dreams by night.

Hammond, whose unswerving consistency, noble charity, and sublime unselfishness all concede and revere, ought to leaven the mass of sneering cynics, and win them to a belief in their capacity for rising to pure, holy, almost perfect lives." "Spare me a repetition of the rhapsodies of Madame Guyon!

From my early period of life, I was taught to esteem you as I advanced in years, I was habituated to revere you: you strengthened my prepossessions by marks of attention."

Were I to look round London town in search of a bright specimen of a man combining the upright, sterling integrity of the honourable British merchant of former days with the ardour of the English fox-hunter of modern times, I would select my most respectable client, Mr. Jorrocks. He is a man for youth to imitate and revere!