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Updated: August 29, 2024

"Put her there, for she'll be ablaze now before many minutes." As the ship's head was turned towards the flats the revenue-cutter ran alongside. Her captain, followed by a dozen bluejackets, boarded the ship, and the former, taking in her desperate situation at a glance, said to Captain May, "You must scuttle her at once, captain; it's your only chance to save her."

At first the smuggler had the advantage before the wind; but, by degrees, the wind went round with the sun, and brought the revenue-cutter leeward: it was then a chase on a wind, and the revenue-cutter came fast up with her.

Russel three days, when it came on to blow from the southward and westward, in true southern style. The gale came on butt-end foremost; and was thought to be as severe, as anything seen in the port for many a year. Most of the shipping broke adrift from the wharves; and everything that was anchored, a man-of-war and a revenue-cutter excepted, struck adrift, or dragged.

He says little because he is too lazy to speak. He has served more than eight years; but as for passing it has never come into his head. Such are the three persons who are now sitting in the cabin of the revenue-cutter, drinking hot gin-toddy. "Let me see, it was, I think, in ninety-three or ninety-four. Before you were in the service, Tomkins "

"I had a strange dream," said Jeannette; "I thought you were all taken by a revenue-cutter, and put in a cachot. I went to see you, and I did not know one of you again you were all changed." "Very likely, Jeannette; you would not be the first who did not know their friends again when in misfortune. There was nothing strange in your dream." "Mais, mon Dieu! Je ne suis pas comme ca, moi."

Of course, they all laughed, and none more heartily than General Butler himself. On the 11th of January there arrived at Savannah a revenue-cutter, having on board Simeon Draper, Esq., of New York City, the Hon.

A new outrage now took place in full view of our garrison. The United States revenue-cutter, which lay anchored in the stream, was turned over by its commander, Captain N.L. Coste, to the authorities of South Carolina. The previous seizures, made without a declaration of war, had been justified on the ground that the forts and public buildings were fixtures within the limits of the State.

I saw a good deal of the secretary socially, during the time of his visit to Savannah. He kept his quarters on the revenue-cutter with Simeon Draper, Esq., which cutter lay at a wharf in the river, but he came very often to my quarters at Mr. Green's house.

The first on the look-out were, of course, the smugglers; they, and those on board the revenue-cutter, were the only two interested parties the yacht was neuter. "There are two cutters in sight, sir," said Corbett, who had the watch; for Pickersgill, having been up the whole night, had thrown himself down on the bed with his clothes on.

Yet from the hasty instruction of the pilot, Pete, the natives had gathered that "the boss gentleman" that is to say, Uncle Dick wanted to go to the revenue-cutter Bennington. Accordingly they concluded that the boys also were bound directly for the cutter, and so instead of heading to the channel which led to the town, they proposed to take a cut-off behind Wood Island, best known to themselves.

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