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He had undisturbed, however, one instinct of the peasant a directness, which was evident chiefly in the clearness of his thoughts. As these things hurried through my mind, my body sunk in a kind of restfulness before the great fire, Doltaire came back. "I will not keep you from breakfast," said he. "Voban must wait, if you will pass by untidiness." A thought flashed through my mind.

Architecture became more simple and interior decoration followed suit. The restfulness and beauty of the straight line appeared again, and ornament took its proper place as a decoration of the construction, and was subordinate to its design.

The home-coming of the cows at eventime has been sung about, written about, talked about, painted, and always it has had in it the restfulness of evening, the drowsy whirr of insects' wings, the benediction of the sunset, the welcoming gladness of a happy family.

Ramsey's had been recommended to us as a royal place of entertainment the best in all that region; and as the sun grew hot in the sandy valley, and the weariness of noon fell upon us, we magnified Ramsey's in our imagination, the nobility of its situation, its cuisine, its inviting restfulness, and half decided to pass the night there in the true abandon of plantation life.

Below him the river whirled in dark eddies under the overhanging curtains of cottonwoods and willows; the Quarter Circle KT lay in the hollow of the valley, like a faint etching of silent restfulness; through the tops of the trees a white splash of moonlight struck on the smooth level surface of the treacherous quicksand bar that had drawn Old Blue down to an agonizing death and from which, scarcely a month ago, the Ramblin' Kid had dragged Carolyn June.

I ceased to listen, flicked the end of my cigarette ash over the green trellis of the arbour, stretched my legs with a fine restfulness, leant back, and gave my mind to the fields and houses that lay adown the valley. What I saw interwove with fragmentary things our garrulous friend had said, and with the trend of my own speculations....

It seemed so beautifully far away from the perfume of the tobacco-smoke, the flavour of whisky, and the restfulness of the couch, and when my mind wandered to her across the fjord as wander it would in spite of my studied attention then death seemed so far off shore that I could scarcely follow the description of how it felt to others to die.

She had also suggested new ideas for shelves. They had not troubled furniture shops much. Save for a few comfortable arm-chairs, there was nothing solid and heavy in the house; but it was all pleasant and home-like, and the little rooms, bright with books and pictures and flowers, had about them the touch of welcome and restfulness that makes the difference between a home and a mere house.

For he craved the restfulness of quiet evenings alone with his wife, after a hard day's work: and indeed saw more than enough of his subalterns always excepting Dick on the parade-ground and in the orderly room every morning.

Here one may loiter and dream in utter restfulness, whilst the great white clouds mirror themselves in the water as they pass above. . . . I am walking upon the South Downs. In the valleys, the sun lies hot, but here sings a breeze which freshens the forehead and fills the heart with gladness.