United States or New Caledonia ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

How resourcefully these children of the sea could handle affairs was shown in this voyage of the Benjamin. While in the Indian Ocean young Silsbee fell in with a frigate which gave him news of the beginning of war between England and France. He shifted his course for Mauritius and there sold the cargo for a dazzling price in paper dollars, which he turned into Spanish silver.

Household duties went helter-skelter under Anna's management. At six o'clock Mrs. Schulz, hot and tired, wakened her lazy little daughter, outstretched beneath the hollyhocks and poppies in the small front garden. "For gracious sake, Anna! Hurry! You've not done the dinner dishes!" "Have the cows come?" Anna asked, resourcefully. "Land! If I hadn't forgotten about Willie! Come hurry!

At once the lights went out again, leaving the place dark, and the voice of the manager was heard from the platform, a little strained in tone as he sought to conceal the tragedy which, should it become known, would end the night's profit for his establishment. "Ladies and gentlemen," he lied resourcefully, "I hope you will all keep your seats and indulge the management for a few moments.

Again Captain Rozario seized the situation and acted promptly and resourcefully. "Halt!" he squeaked, and "G" Company halted in form an oblate spheroid. Some of its members removed their helmets and the sweat of their brows, some re-fastened bootlaces and putties or unfastened restraining hooks and buttons. One gracefully succumbed to his exertions and fainting fell, with an eye upon the General.

I hated to think of all the duplicity that part entailed; I would not think of it. The part was thrust on her, from her birth, by her upbringing, and if she played it gallantly, fearlessly, resourcefully, the more honor to her. But it was a bitter thought that Fortune should have thrust all this upon her!

He appealed for support to his Staff officer. "I think, sir, the Doctor might precede us," answered the other resourcefully, "and see if the man is dangerous. If so, no doubt he will arrange for his removal before he does any harm."

Then stops suddenly, hits his upper crust, and says that it's like his blamed fat-headedness to frighten her; while she clutches at herself three times and faints away." "Amid the voluminous burning of blue lights?" suggested this person resourcefully. "By rights there should be," admitted the one who was devising the representation; "but it will hardly run to it.

They remained incapably within the capital slavishly increasing its defences, while the Ever-victorious lurked resourcefully in the neighbourhood of Ho Chow, satisfied that with so dull-witted an adversary they could, if the necessity arose, go still further.

Presently the sun rose in glory and sent its burning level rays to cast a shadow several rods long of an enraged American beating frantically with clenched fists upon the door of an unresponsive railway station. He hammered until he was a-weary, then deputised his task to Doggott, who resourcefully found him a stone of size and proceeded to make dents in the door.

"Do you make that as an objection, Mr. Steger?" he asked. "I certainly do, your honor," insisted Steger, resourcefully. "Objection overruled. Neither counsel for the prosecution nor for the defense is limited to a peculiar routine of expression." Steger himself was ready to smile, but he did not dare to.