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Then I had abruptly dropped it and through all my deliberate mystifications one fact had been clear that I spoke in the accents of an ordinary more or less educated Englishman. The Rendalls clearly had the material for coming to a conclusion, and now in their company I had all but ended my days on earth.

"Then they find your parachute " "Who found it?" "I haven't asked that yet; but I shall of course. Anyhow it was found, and as evidently you had hid it. One point discovered against you. Then the Rendalls decide on stronger measures and very rightly too, I think. They open your drawer and find you never had a uniform coat at all.

"Well," I said, "if you do see any one like that let me know, and you will see some more shoots. Also I shall give you this." I held up a new half crown and he laughed so joyfully that I began to have a faint hope he might prove of some use after all. And yet when I had left him and resumed my walk back to the Rendalls' house, my spirits were not very high.

Sally's father having been a major in the war, and the Rendalls are good stock. Let me see what's her name? Her mother was called Letty." "Cynthia. She was named for my mother." Chilian's voice had a reverent softness in it. "I always thought it a pretty name," said Eunice. "And I've heard people call it 'Cyn. I do abominate nicknames." Elizabeth uttered this with a good deal of vigor.

Not trying to elope with that little bit of fluff, I hope, because I can assure you she doesn't love you in the least, Roger." "You mean well, old thing," I said, "but you've guessed wrong as usual, Jack. Take me to your ship, for the Lord's sake, and I'll tell you the whole yarn there." "These good people probably expect a bit of explanation," he suggested. "The Rendalls? Not yet!

"On the other hand, sending for you and having me arrested would be an excellent way of getting rid of me when they were certain who I was or rather, wasn't." "And who did they make apparently certain you were not? A British officer! That was the natural conclusion when they opened that drawer. No, no, the Rendalls come out of it all right. Then let's take the doctor.

I had learnt a few more facts about them and these I now put together to see what picture they suggested. In the first place, the Rendalls were an ancient family in these parts and had owned their property for some centuries. As all my prejudices ran in favour of old families, old port, and old furniture, this was so far reassuring. On the other hand, Mr.

You pitch him a cock and bull yarn about being landed from a cruiser and wanting to hide your uniform coat and so on. You conduct yourself like a criminal in church and wander out at night. Naturally the Rendalls and everybody else eye you strangely to your face and try to find out a little more behind your back. Do you see?" "There's something certainly in all this," I had to admit.

A familiar figure confronted him, with dark staring eyes, gaping mouth, and stubby beard; my old friend Jock. For a moment there returned that feeling of stage fright. Next to the Rendalls, the Scollay household, and particularly Jock, had seen and conversed most often with the mysterious Merton.

Look at my security while I was humbugging them by my suspicious conduct, and then the unscrupulous and quickly repeated attempts to get rid of me after two things had happened my dropping of my accent at the Rendalls and the discovery of the parachute.