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"Well, well, the boys in this family are in luck." "It will be my turn next," cried Johnnie. "No, sir; I'm the oldest," Alf protested. "Let's have supper," Ned remarked, removing his thumb from his mouth. "Score one for Ned," said Burt. "There is at least one member of the family whose head is not turned by all these marvellous events."

"Why, James Burdock," cried the lady, removing her hood, "have you forgotten your mistress?" "Mistress! Why, Miss Mabel, I ask your pardon, madam here, John, Margery!" "Hush!" cried Mrs. Vane. "But where are your trunks, miss? And where's the coach, and Darby and Joan? To think of their drawing you all the way here! I'll have 'em into your room directly, ma'am. Miss, you've come just in time."

However, the tidings of its approach had spread such a panic among the Turkish soldiers, who were worn out and exhausted by their exertions, that they hastily raised the siege, abandoned their heavy artillery, and, removing their garrison from Fort St. Elmo, re-embarked in haste and confusion.

All irregular modes of levying contributions, however just, and exactly just they can seldom be, leave discontent behind them, while a uniform system, where every man knows what he is to pay and why he is to pay it, tends to restore stability by the very evenness of its operation, by its making national interests familiar to all, and by removing any sense of injustice.

I know it is commonly said, boni judicis est ampliare juridictionem. But I take that to be better advice which was given by the Lord Chancellor Bacon upon swearing a judge; That he would take care to contain the jurisdiction of the court within the ancient mere-stones without removing the mark.

"That's false," interrupted the captain, removing his pipe while he spoke. "The word ain't appropriate. The men of Arbroath doesn't know nothin' about no such word as `consternation. They was surprised, if ye choose, an' powerfully enraged mayhap, but they wasn't consternated by no means." "Well, I don't insist on the point," said the lieutenant, "but chroniclers write so

They employed the very brief halt of the regiment in swabbing out the barrels of their muskets very carefully, and removing the last traces of moisture from the nipples and hammers.

At Seal Island they landed, and searched in vain for the bottle left there by Captain Flinders, containing an account of the INVESTIGATOR'S visit, not with any motive of removing it, but to add a memorandum. On the summit of the island or rock for it can scarcely be called an island the skeleton of a goat's head was found, and near it were the remains of a glass case-bottle.

In winter, by which time the Bee has long been in the perfect state, I collect Chalicodoma-nests, removing them bodily from their support with a few smart sideward taps of the hammer on the pebbles. At the base of the mortar dome the cells are wide agape and display their contents. I take the cocoon from its box, open it and take note of the sex of the insect enclosed.

Of those States not included in the Emancipation Proclamation, Maryland and Missouri, neither of which three years ago would tolerate any restraint upon the extension of slavery into the new Territories, only dispute now as to the best mode of removing it within their own limits.