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There! it is undone at last, you see. Your light fingers were more eager than mine. I wish it had been the knot of knots, which there's no untying!" This was worse and worse. She started up, and so did he. How to decently get away from him that was her difficulty now. She sidled off inch by inch, the lantern in her hand, till she could see the redness of his coat no longer.

Adrienne seemed overcome with amazement. From pale, she became crimson; as the redness disappeared, her lips grew white, and trembled. Her emotion was so strong, that she remained for some moments unable to speak, and pressed her hand to her heart, as if to moderate its pulsations.

To judge from the profuse perspiration that flowed from his brow, and from the excessive redness of his face, one would suppose that Rokens' experience of "pleasant sort o' things" had not hitherto been either extensive or deep. But the man meant what he said, and a well-known proverb clears up the mystery "What's one man's meat is another's poison!"

She was looking into the redness, seeing visions of rapture, strange things which could not possibly be true; but these visions warmed her blood and lifted her heart on light and tremulous wings; there was a singing in her ears to which she could never be tired listening. Mrs. Makebelieve felt much better the next morning after the extra sleep which she had.

She vanished in a hollow for a few moments, and then her whole form unfolded itself from the brake. "Only you here?" she exclaimed, with a disappointed air, whose hollowness was proved by her rising redness and her half-guilty low laugh. "Where is Mrs. Yeobright?" "She has not come," he replied in a subdued tone.

The paroxysms always commenced abruptly, constitutional febrile symptoms were first experienced, and the skin became dry and hot. The acute symptoms subsided in three or four hours and were entirely gone in twelve hours, with the exception of the redness of the skin, which did not disappear for thirty-six hours more. The patient had been delirious during this period.

However, on the left, towards the sea, the sun was setting, descending in the limpid sky like a globe of fire of blinding redness. It slowly plunged beneath the horizon, and the only sign of cloud was some fiery vapour, as if indeed the distant sea had seethed at contact with that royal and flaming visit.

She had hopefully searched her person for rash or redness, thinking thereby to achieve a ticket to that promised land where beautiful ladies as the stereopticon had shown sat graciously waving fans beside a smooth, white bed whereon one lay and rested: only rested: quiet day after quiet day.

He could not even run, for the rock wall was behind him; he could not fling himself valleyward, for there was a sheer fall of a hundred feet on that side. He was face to face with death, a death as terrible as that which had overtaken the dogs. And yet in these last moments Langdon did not lose himself in terror. He noted even the redness in the avenging grizzly's eyes.

Just because she did not want him to be particularly bright it was quite probable that he would have a flourish of brilliance. That is as it occasionally happens, in the dullest of mortals. So Jenny was some time in attending to the fire, until she supposed that any undue redness of cheek might be imagined to have been occasioned by her strenuous activities.