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In a letter to his sister, Mary Tylor, which he wrote from this place, is the following characteristic sentiment: Thy welcome letter duly readied me at Nismes, and drew forth my tender sympathy for thee and your whole circle in the loss of a kind and beloved brother.

By the time his fingers touched the door knob she had read his purpose, had readied his side, and was clutching his arm with both her hands. "Manley Fleetwood, what are you going to do?" She was actually panting with the jump of her heart. He turned the knob, so that the latch clicked. "Get drunk. Be the drunken sot you expect me to be.

Madame de Montespan was cross, capricious, ill-tempered, and of a haughtiness in everything which, readied to the clouds, and from the effects of which nobody, not even the King, was exempt. The courtiers avoided passing under her windows, above all when the King was with her. They used to say it was equivalent to being put to the sword, and this phrase became proverbial at the Court.

Then he received an order to walk to the door without looking back. He readied the door halted. "Now open it and get out!" The man did as bidden; diving headlong out into the darkness, swinging the door shut behind him. His yell to his companions mingled with the roar of Trevison's pistol as he shattered the kerosene lamp.

And this is the case with the expression of our Lord in the text, "Thou art not far from the kingdom of God." Does this seem a great thing or a little thing to be said to us? Does it give us a notion of a height which we should think it happiness to have readied; or of a state so little advanced, that it would be misery to be forced to go back to it?

"Our five pairs of men must have readied the vicinity of the fort before this time, for we have had a long conference with those spreeists." "About an hour and a half; and the information we have obtained will fully pay for the time used." "No doubt of it; and we must hurry up in order to make a good use of it," said Christy.

A cottager ought to learn that when the highest wages of the best paid artisan are readied it is not the greatest privilege of the man to throw mutton chops to dogs and make piles of empty champagne bottles. It might almost be said that one cause of the former extravagance and the recent distress and turbulence of the working classes is the absence of an ideal from their minds.

But he had scarcely begun to be absorbed in the new copy of the best manuscript of Apuleius, which had readied him from Florence, and make notes in the first Roman printed work of this author, when Cassian interrupted him. He had missed the servant in the morning.

Maybe they would give him a sound thrashing. "Don't you touch me don't you dare!" he cried, when the barn was readied. "Remember, my father can have you locked up, Dave Porter!" "Well, don't forget what Professor Potts can do to you, Nat," answered Dave. "What are you going to do?" asked Phil, in an aside to his chum. Dave was trying to think.

Those fair women he had chatted with as he had moved from table to table, why, they'd be less than dirt compared to Maggie when Maggie was rigged out and readied up and the stage was set. And it had been he, Barney Palmer, who had been the first to discover Maggie's latent possibilities! He had an eye beyond mere surfaces, had Barney.