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"And please don't forget the Crab and grandmother, rashes, et ceterus," said the little girl. "Tera Corona," piped her brother. "I won't," said the Prophet. "I will not." And he tottered out of the room, carrying the Sagittarius letter in his hand. In the hall he paused for a moment, holding on to the balusters and re-reading his directions.

It was hard to believe that these were the same walls which loomed so gloomily through the fogs of winter. Our blinds were half-drawn, and Holmes lay curled upon the sofa, reading and re-reading a letter which he had received by the morning post. For myself, my term of service in India had trained me to stand heat better than cold, and a thermometer at ninety was no hardship.

She did not answer immediately, then, "Yesterday I saw how much you desire me," she said. "But why, why, want to go so far?" He made a gesture, indicating vague annoyance. "How funny you are!" she went on. "I was re-reading one of your books today, and I noticed this phrase, 'The only women you can continue to love are those you lose. Now admit that you were right when you wrote that."

He had lately read A Tale of Two Cities, immediately re-reading until, as he would have said, he "knew it by heart"; and even at the time he had seen resemblances between himself and the appealing figure of Carton. Now that the sympathy between them was perfected by Miss Pratt's preference for another, William decided to mount the scaffold in place of George Crooper.

Already she knew by heart its "deep" and complicated story, and, now, she was re-reading the part which told of Sir Tristram de Liones and his ill-fated love for La Beale Isoud. It was all very sad, yet very beautiful. Sir Tristram was a "worshipful knight" and a "harper passing all other."

The professor, the very thorough-going student, the literary historian, must go farther; the idle person with a love of literature will; but nobody need. I know few critical essays which give me more pleasure in reading and re-reading than this. Mr Arnold puts Wordsworth, as a poet and an English poet, far higher than I can put him.

If, in re-reading those I wrote to M. Opiz, I had found them bitter, I would have burned them." Probably Casanova struck the root of the matter in his remark, "Perfect accord is the first charm of a reciprocal friendship." The two men were primarily of so different a temperament, that they apparently could not long agree even on subjects on which they were most in accord.

A closer re-reading of the stages of the incident shows that the wife mentioned in the original offence was now dead; but that the offence was not dead. Joseph had to be restored to the Meeting before he could marry Elizabeth, who was very evidently a devoted member. To win his new wife, he had to make acknowledgment of the offence which preceded his former marriage.

She tried again, some hours later, on her way to her own room, but still was unable to obtain entrance or answer. If she could only have seen her, sitting by the window reading and re-reading that letter in French, beginning "Angel of my Dreams." Rose came down to breakfast next morning quite well again.

I think we may state it as a general duty that he must do whatever he can to keep his faith constantly alive. But beyond that, what a man must do depends almost entirely upon his own intellectual character. Many people of a regular type of mind can refresh themselves by some recurrent duty, by repeating a daily prayer, by daily reading or re-reading some devotional book.